
Head of Competition Protection Agency Receives his Nigerian Counterpart

Dr. Mahmoud Mumtaz, Head of the Competition Protection and Antimonopoly Practices Authority, received his Nigerian counterpart, Dr. Adamu Ahmad Abdullah, Acting Head of the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Authority in Nigeria, and Boladali...

Dr. Mahmoud Mumtaz, Head of the Competition Protection and Antimonopoly Practices Authority, received his Nigerian counterpart, Dr. Adamu Ahmad Abdullah, Acting Head of the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Authority in Nigeria, and Boladali Adeyinka, Head of the Market Surveillance and Investigation Department of the Authority in Nigeria, at the headquarters of the Competition Protection Authority in the Smart Village.

During the visit, the Nigerian delegation was briefed on the strategy and axes of the work of the Competition Protection Agency (2021-2025), and the national strategy to support competition policies and competitive neutrality. They were also briefed on the steps taken by the Egyptian state in this regard in order to protect freedom of competition and enhance the investment climate and the recent legal amendments that were made on the Competition Protection Law No. 3 of 2005. The amendments granted the agency the authority to pre-monitor mergers and acquisitions, and its importance i
n supporting competition policies and their positive impact on the investment climate in Egypt, and improving Egypt’s position with economic indicators issued by various international institutions.

Source: State Information Service Egypt
