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Hamas: The occupation’s plans regarding Gaza will not find a way to implement

Gaza - Ma'an - The Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas" stressed that the "malicious plans" that the Israeli occupation is talking about regarding the day after the criminal war on the Gaza Strip "will not find a way to be implemented" in the face of t...

Gaza – Ma’an – The Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas” stressed that the “malicious plans” that the Israeli occupation is talking about regarding the day after the criminal war on the Gaza Strip “will not find a way to be implemented” in the face of the steadfastness and will of our Palestinian people and the heroism and bravery of the resistance.

The Hamas movement said in a press statement on Tuesday that the speech of the head of the Israeli National Security Council about the day after the war on the Gaza Strip and the political future of our Palestinian people is an insistence on the part of this fascist government to follow the path of failure and disappointment.

She reiterated that the fate of the Palestinian people and the future of the Gaza Strip, ‘after defeating this criminal aggression,’ is decided by our people and no one else.

She continued: “Our Palestinian people will not allow anyone to interfere in them, and their valiant resistance will cut off any hand of the occupation that tries to ta
mper with the fate and future of our people.”

Earlier today, Israeli National Security Advisor Tzachi Hanegbi said, ‘Israel is discussing with Washington possible joint efforts by the United States, Europe and some Arab countries to find an alternative to Hamas’ rule in the Gaza Strip.’

He said at the Herzliya conference on Tuesday, “Hamas cannot be hidden as an idea, and there is a need for an alternative idea and not just targeting its military capabilities.”

He noted that “the alternative idea is a local leadership that agrees to live alongside Israel and not devote its entire life to trying to kill Israelis.”

Source: Maan News Agency
