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FM, US counterpart talk catastrphic situation in Gaza

Amman: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ayman Safadi engaged in extensive discussions with United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday, focusing on the dire conditions in Gaza. During the meeting, Sa...

Amman: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ayman Safadi engaged in extensive discussions with United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday, focusing on the dire conditions in Gaza.

During the meeting, Safadi emphasized the urgent necessity for an immediate and enduring ceasefire to end the aggression, killing, destruction and humanitarian catastrophe.

He underscored the immediate, sufficient, and sustainable delivery of humanitarian and medical aid to all areas of Gaza facing a severe humanitarian crisis due to ongoing Israeli aggression and restricted aid entry.

Safadi cautioned against the repercussions of sustained aggression, Israel’s violations of international law, and international humanitarian law. He specifically highlighted the dangerous escalation in the West Bank, calling for Israel to halt all illegal and provocative actions contributing to a volatile situation.

Safadi and Blinken concurred on the imperative need to ensure the adequate delivery o
f aid to Gaza, reject the displacement of Palestinians within and outside the Strip, and facilitate the return of displaced Gazans to their homes and areas.

Safadi pointed out the illogical nature of any future proposal that would isolate Gaza from the West Bank, emphasizing that it must be part of a comprehensive plan ensuring the Palestinian people’s right to freedom and an independent, sovereign state along the 1967 borders, with occupied Jerusalem as its capital on the basis of the two-state solution.

The two ministers pledged to maintain communication to discuss efforts to end the war, provide aid, safeguard civilians, and initiate a substantial and effective endeavor to bring an end to the conflict and establish a just peace based on the two-state solution.

Safadi and Blinken also delved into bilateral and regional issues during the meeting.

Source: Jordan News Agency
