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FM: talks with Lavrov covered ending Palestinian-Israeli conflict, supporting two-state solution

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry stressed on Monday 4/10/2021 that his talks with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov tackled a number of regional issues, atop of which is ending the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and reinforcing two-state solution.



Talks also tackled supporting all ways that aim at reaching a comprehensive and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue that guarantees the establishment of a Palestinian state within 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, Shoukry said at a joint press conference with Lavrov.

Shoukry said we will continue close coordination over the Palestinian issue, including the file of inter-Palestinian reconciliation in which Egypt plays a key role to close in Palestinian ranks and materialize the aspirations of brotherly Palestinians.

He expressed appreciation for the periodical meetings being held between the Egyptian and Russian sides at a ministerial level and the convocation of the joint trade committee.

Shoukry lauded efforts to activate spheres of bilateral cooperation that serve the interests of the two sides and set an example of fruitful cooperation, citing Dabaa nuclear plant, the industrial zone and efforts to increase tourism traffic.

The Egyptian foreign minister said he hopes trade exchange, that was adversely affected by the outbreak of Covid 19 pandemic, would return to previous levels.


Source: State Information Service Egypt

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