National News Agency correspondent reported that the outskirts of the southern Lebanese town of Alma al-Shaab and the vicinity of the town of Dhaira have been subjected to hostile bombardment with phosphorus shells.
Source: National News Agency – Lebanon
Egypt’s Minister of Transport Kamel el-Wazir stressed great attention President Abdel Fattah El Sisi pays to the Arab line for land and sea transport linking Egypt, Jordan and Iraq that was put into operation at the beginning of Jan.
During a meeting the minister of transport held Thursday with the management of the Arab Bridge Maritime Company at the Ministry of Transport’s headquarters, in the New Administrative Capital, the two sides followed up on the rates of transporting goods and trucks via the Arab Line for land and sea transport.
The minister said, the Egyptian side is keen on providing all forms of support for this new line by facilitating procedures, encouraging companies and various parties to use the line in both directions, especially due to its importance in transporting Gulf, Iraqi and Jordanian trade goods to European and American countries, passing through Egypt.
For his part, General Manager of the Arab Bridge Maritime Company in Jordan, Adnan al-Abadla reviewed measures taken by the co
mpany to render the transport line a success.
The operation of the line came based on coordination between Egyptian, Jordanian and Iraqi ministries of transport, through the strategic partnership with the Arab Bridge Shipping Company.
Its operation also comes in light of President Sisi’s directives to transform Egypt into a global trade and logistics hub.
All efforts are part of the Ministry of Transport’s drives to implement an integrated plan to develop international multimodal transport hubs (Land – rail – river – sea) and within the framework of the Taba- El-Arish logistical corridor, which is currently being implemented within 7 integrated international development logistical corridors.
Source: State Information Service Egypt