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Egypt condemns ‘ inhumane’ Israeli targeting of Palestinians waiting for aid arrival

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned in a statement Thursday 29/2/2024 the “inhumane Israeli targeting of a group of unarmed Palestinian civilians who were waiting for the arrival of humanitarian aid trucks in North Gaza’s Dawar Al Nabulsi causing scores of deaths and injuries.”

The massacre was carried out Thursday by the land Israeli forces stationed in the area as they shot at thousands of Palestinians, killing 104 and injuring 760.

Egypt considered the crime a blatant violation of international law, demanding the UN Security Council and major international actors, especially those impeding the issuance of a resolution mandating a ceasefire, to fulfill their humanitarian, moral, and legal duties to end the Israeli aggression against Gaza Strip and protect the Palestinian people.

Egypt also urged pressuring Israel to abide by international law, fulfill its duties as an occupation force, and holding the perpetrators of such violations.

The country renewed its demands for a ceasefire, and elimination
of obstacles against the flow of humanitarian and rescue aid in a sustainable way into Gaza Strip. The ministry equally underscored rejection to all attempts aimed at the displacement of Palestinians from their territories.

Source: State Information Service Egypt