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Education Ministry holds joint annual review meeting on strategic plan

The Ministry of Education Sunday started a two-day joint review of the progress in 2023 for implementing its Education Strategic Plan (ESP) with education stakeholders and partners, according to a statement. The Joint Annual Review Meeting (JARM) rep...

The Ministry of Education Sunday started a two-day joint review of the progress in 2023 for implementing its Education Strategic Plan (ESP) with education stakeholders and partners, according to a statement.

The Joint Annual Review Meeting (JARM) report aims to inform strategic planning for 2024/2025. It is the foundation for discussions during the two-day event, outlining progress, challenges and recommendations across strategy priorities: Early Childhood Education and Development, Access and Equity, System Strengthening, Quality, Human Resources and Vocational Education. It addresses education financing, partnership and coordination, and gender.

Minister of Education Azmi Mahafzah said, “The ESP is well in line with the vision of His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein and aims at improving educational outcomes, quality and competitiveness in Jordan to ensure sustainability, development and modernisation of the educational system.”

The JARM brings together key education stakeholders and partners, inc
luding representatives from the Royal Hashemite Court, the Prime Ministry, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Planning and International Coordination education sector partners and stakeholders.

Ministry of Education staff and stakeholders are expected to discuss progress towards the ESP goals and targets and collaboratively identify actions to achieve the Kingdom’s educational objectives in line with the Economic Modernisation Vision.

The co-chairs of the Education Development Partners Group commended the Education Ministry for its efforts. “They remain committed to working alongside the Ministry to achieve shared goals and priorities of the Education Strategic Plan and the Economic Modernisation Vision, particularly in strengthening the coordination structure.”

The JARM reaffirmed joint commitments by the MoE and its partners to the right to education for all, in alignment with Sustainable Development Goal 4, according to the statement.

The support provided to the MoE for the 2023 ESP annual revi
ew is part of ongoing technical assistance from UNESCO, implemented through a Multi-partner Trust Fund supported by Canada, the Italian Agency for Development and Cooperation (AICS), Norway and Switzerland in support of system strengthening for the education sector.

Source: Jordan News Agency
