
“Economy” announces opening of quota applications.. Will prices decrease?

HEBRON - Ma'an - The Ministry of Economy announced today, Thursday, the opening of applications to import goods included under the commodity lists A1 and A2 for the year 2024, the "quota", several months after opening the last "quota". This announcem...

HEBRON – Ma’an – The Ministry of Economy announced today, Thursday, the opening of applications to import goods included under the commodity lists A1 and A2 for the year 2024, the “quota”, several months after opening the last “quota”.

This announcement was welcomed by importing companies, which on more than one occasion demanded that the Ministry of Economy open the ‘quota.’

The question that comes to the minds of citizens here is: When will meat prices decrease?

In response to this question, Economic Advisor Ahmed Hassouna said that the Consumer Protection Department at the Ministry of National Economy is responsible for setting indicative prices and must monitor the markets more closely and ensure that prices are not raised on citizens.

One of the frozen meat importers said: ‘This is a step in the right direction, although it was very late, as the prices of frozen meat have increased significantly, especially veal, which citizens are keen to buy.’

He added in his speech: “Our demand is to return to th
e system that was used several years ago, which is to grant the quota annually and not periodically as is happening now, due to the many disturbances witnessed by the movement of global trade, and the rise in the prices of goods and food, and this may be a contribution from the Ministry of Economy and the government to alleviate the burden on citizens.”

An importer working in the sheep sector indicated that the quantity of sheep that will be imported will reduce the prices of fresh sheep meat, which have increased significantly.

Another trader said: ‘The deadline given by the Ministry of Economy, which is one week, to submit applications is not sufficient, and we fear that some of us as importers will not be able to complete the Ministry’s requirements. It must reconsider the period for submitting applications to allow everyone the opportunity to participate.’

For his part, economic advisor Ahmed Hassouna said that this step is in the right direction despite being somewhat delayed, and what is required now
is a review of all commodity lists and updating them, as there are commodities that are outdated, and there are commodities for which demand has increased thanks to the natural increase in population.

He added: “The Ministry of Economy must update the commodity list and increase the quantities. It is unreasonable for the share of frozen veal to remain 12,500 tons for the West Bank and Gaza Strip, while we need more than 35,000 tons annually. It has become imperative for the Minister of Economy and his ministry’s staff to review the list and increase the quantities.”

The ministry’s announcement stated that the lists include: cement, washing machines, refrigerators, televisions, gas ovens, air conditioners, heaters, carpets, rugs, frozen veal, frozen lamb, and jameed, in addition to goods included under the 2024 quota, including: milk, cheeses, frozen foods, hazelnuts, pumpkin, dried apricots, and pistachios.

She pointed out that she opened the quota for live sheep for the remaining quantity of 9,000 heads,
provided that a bank check is presented as a guarantee for good execution in the amount of seventy thousand Jordanian dinars in favor of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is valid for a year from its date, and that the bank check is issued in the name of the company or importer and proof of that is attached.

The Ministry called on companies wishing to import to go to the headquarters of the Ministry of National Economy in Ramallah to fill out the necessary import applications, complete their procedures, and update the data for the year 2024.

She pointed out that the last date for submitting applications is Monday, September 16, 2024, and that the unified committee between the Ministries of National Economy and Agriculture will not consider incomplete applications submitted after this date.

The ministry noted that due to the current circumstances and road closures, those wishing to do so can submit their applications to the National Economy Directorates in the governorates.

Source: Maan News Agency
