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Diplomatic delegation gets informed about Israeli violations in Jordan Valley

JERICHO: A diplomatic delegation today got informed about Israeli occupation violations in the occupied West Bank governorate of Jericho and the Jordan Valley. Comprising ambassadors, consuls and representatives of 28 Arab and foreign states, the del...

JERICHO: A diplomatic delegation today got informed about Israeli occupation violations in the occupied West Bank governorate of Jericho and the Jordan Valley.

Comprising ambassadors, consuls and representatives of 28 Arab and foreign states, the delegation made their way to the Jericho, where they heard about the suffering and dire humanitarian situation of Palestinians suffering the brunt of Israeli violations and actions.

The Governor of Jericho and the Jordan Valley, Hussein Hamayel, briefed the delegation on the situation in the governorate in the presence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates’ Political Advisor, Ambassador Ahmed Al-Deek and Jericho Mayor, Abdul-Karim Sidr.

He said that the Israeli occupation authorities seek to seriously undermine the Palestinian presence and viability of Palestinian communities in the governorate and create faits accomplis on the ground to prolong the occupation and settler-colonialism of this vital strategic region.

He added that despite all Israeli a
cts of harassment, the governorate seeks to impose security and stability. However, its attempts to ensure security and stability are met by tightened Israeli restrictions designed to undermine any hope for the creation of a contiguous Palestinian State.

He called upon the international community to shoulder its responsibilities towards halting Israeli settler-colonialism and land grab and lift the siege imposed on the governorate.

Meanwhile, Ambassador Al-Deek stated that this visit offered the delegation an important opportunity to gain an insight into Israeli violations, which violate international human rights law and international humanitarian law, particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention, applicable in the occupied territories of the State of Palestine.

As part of the visit, the delegation toured the Bedouin communities close to al-Auja Spring, north of Jericho, where they witnessed firsthand the suffering of Palestinians and persistent colonists’ attempts to take over Palestinian land, water spring
s, pastures and torch Palestinian property.

The Jordan Valley, which is a fertile strip of land running west along the Jordan River, is home to about 65,000 Palestinians and makes up approximately 30% of the West Bank.

Since 1967, when the Israeli army occupied the West Bank, Israel has transferred at least 11,000 of its Jewish citizens to the Jordan Valley. Some of the colonies in which they live were built almost entirely on private Palestinian land.

The Israel military has also designated about 46 percent of the Jordan Valley as a closed military zone since the beginning of the occupation in June 1967, and has been utilizing the pretext of military drills to forcefully displace Palestinian families living there as part of a policy of ethnic cleansing and stifling Palestinian development in the area.

Approximately 6,200 Palestinians live in 38 communities in places earmarked for military use and have had to obtain permission from the Israeli authorities to enter and live in their communities.

In violat
ion of international law, the Israeli military not only temporarily displaces the communities on a regular basis, but also confiscates their farmlands, demolishes their homes and infrastructure from time to time.

Besides undergoing temporary displacement, the Palestinian families living there face a myriad restrictions on access to resources and services. Meanwhile, Israel exploits the resources of the area and generates profit by allocating generous tracts of land and water resources for the benefit of colonists.

Israeli politicians have made it clear on several occasions that the highly strategic Jordan Valley would remain under their control in any eventuality.

Source: Palestine News and Information Agency – WAFA
