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Demands and activities next Saturday – Preparatory Committee for the International Day of Solidarity with Gaza and Prisoners

Ramallah - Ma'an - The Palestinian people, along with their friends and allies around the world, commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with Gaza and Palestinian Prisoners, in support of their legitimate struggle and inalienable rights to sel...

Ramallah – Ma’an – The Palestinian people, along with their friends and allies around the world, commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with Gaza and Palestinian Prisoners, in support of their legitimate struggle and inalienable rights to self-determination, freedom and national independence on Saturday, August 3, 2024.

To commemorate this day in Palestine and the world, the Preparatory Committee for the International Day of Solidarity with Gaza and Prisoners was formed, which includes all prisoner institutions, official bodies, civil society, national forces, unions, federations, and all segments of the Palestinian people wherever they are. This committee coordinates all activities at home and abroad.

This day aims to shed light on the systematic and ongoing Israeli crimes and violations of the rights of political prisoners and Palestinian detainees, and to raise the level of global collective awareness of their human suffering and the crimes they are subjected to, which are no less heinous than t
hose to which our people in the Gaza Strip are subjected.

August 3 is an urgent call for immediate and collective global action to protest Israel’s crimes against Palestinian prisoners. It is a call to free peoples, leaders, governments, parliaments, political parties, academic institutions, and the media to confront the occupation’s crimes and racist legislation by launching mass events, international demonstrations, seminars, digital campaigns, addressing parliamentarians, and pressuring governments to fulfill their legal duties to prevent the commission of crimes against our people in the Gaza Strip and Palestinian prisoners.

Massive public demonstrations will take place in all Palestinian governorates on August 3, accompanied by demonstrations all over the world.

Demands according to the committee:

– Stop the genocide in the Gaza Strip and the silent extermination of political prisoners and Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons, military bases and secret detention camps.

– Holding the occupying po
wer accountable for its crimes, ensuring that it does not escape punishment, and bringing Israeli war criminals to international justice.

– Imposing a comprehensive military embargo on Israel, including the export, import and transfer of weapons and military equipment, and imposing sanctions on it.

– Suspending Israel’s membership in the United Nations, suspending its participation in global forums and activities, and suspending bilateral agreements such as the European Partnership Agreement until it abides by the rules of international law and human rights.

– Obligating Israel to protect civilians in accordance with its duties as an occupying power, and compelling it, as a detaining power, to reveal the identities and conditions of forcibly disappeared detainees.

– Ending the crime of enforced disappearance, arbitrary and administrative detention, releasing all arbitrarily detained persons, and providing urgent legal protection to all prisoners.

– Releasing the martyrs whose bodies are being held so tha
t their families can finally bury them and bid them farewell with dignity.

– Compel the occupation authority to allow the special rapporteurs, UN experts, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, and international organizations to exercise their mandate, visit the State of Palestine, closely monitor the conditions of prisoners, and open prisons for inspection and investigation into the conditions of detention and crimes of the occupation.

– Redressing the rights of victims and compensating them financially and morally.

– Ending the illegal Israeli colonial occupation of Palestine, and enabling the Palestinian people to exercise their legitimate rights to self-determination, freedom and independence in their fully sovereign state on the 1967 lines with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Source: Maan News Agency
