
Condemning and denouncing “checks” without funds

Over the long decades of the Palestinian cause, the Palestinian people have had enough of condemnation and denunciation stances that have appeared on millions of occasions, and in a boring, repetitive manner that is repeated by leaders and rulers arou...

Over the long decades of the Palestinian cause, the Palestinian people have had enough of condemnation and denunciation stances that have appeared on millions of occasions, and in a boring, repetitive manner that is repeated by leaders and rulers around the world every time the Palestinian people are exposed to a new tragedy or massacre. These phrases are constantly used in the official statements and press statements of those condemning, while bombs continue to fall on the heads of innocents, and Israel continues to expand its settlements, and displace Palestinians from their homes, camps, Jerusalem, and land, according to systematic efforts for ethnic cleansing. Although we sometimes appreciate these stances, after decades of conflict that have witnessed catastrophes and setbacks, and after more than 330 days of the new ongoing holocaust, such stances no longer have any noticeable effect. Positions without claws are nothing but checks without a balance, and they only come in the context of raising the repro
ach and evading moral responsibility against a people who have been slaughtered and butchered for more than seven decades, during which hundreds of UN resolutions were issued. If those who condemn and denounce were armed with them, they would create a different reality, relieving humanity of the bleakness of the scene in Palestine and around it.

The irony of the matter lies in the fact that although the check carries a promise to pay, in the absence of financial coverage behind that promise, it drags its owner today and in many societies into legal prosecution. However, the act of condemnation and denunciation is not only devoid of actual and influential value, but it is not subject to any noteworthy accountability. Accordingly, condemnation carries a moral dimension of sympathy and support, but it does not constitute a guarantee of achieving justice, nor is it even an action worth mentioning towards upholding the word of truth, which makes this act, with all due respect to its owners, nothing more than empt
y talk.

The world has witnessed, in the midst of decades of Arab-Israeli conflict, many massacres and attacks on the Palestinian people, starting with the 1948 catastrophe, passing through the 1967 setback, and an endless list of wars, up to the existential war on the Palestinian identity that is raging now, which only came about as a result of the intensity of condemnation and denunciation, and the accompanying state of inaction, inaction, indifference, and lack of interest, and as a result of international impotence and the international prostration before Israel’s goals and whims.

Perhaps the most hideous aspect of this failure lies in the clear double standards and total surrender to an unchanging reality. While economic and diplomatic sanctions are imposed on other countries for committing human rights violations or waging multiple wars, Israel is treated completely differently, with its crimes being overlooked under the pretext of ‘self-defense’ or ‘fighting terrorism,’ in clear violation of internati
onal law and UN resolutions. This double standard is not limited to major powers only, but also includes international institutions, including the Security Council, which is considered the highest body for making international decisions related to peace and security. This council has issued many resolutions related to Palestine and Israel. However, these resolutions remain ink on paper, as any effort to implement them is thwarted by the use of the veto by some major powers, especially the United States.

Thus, the Security Council, along with the frameworks, councils and institutions of the United Nations, which were established to achieve world peace and protect human rights, have failed to achieve justice for the Palestinian people. Over the years, especially after issuing hundreds of resolutions that condemned and continue to condemn Israel and called on it to end its occupation of Palestine, stop settlements and withdraw completely from the occupied territories, but these resolutions remain unimplemented.
The reason lies in the fact that the global effort is limited to denunciation, condemnation and expression of concern and condemnation in the strongest terms and the lack of effective mechanisms to enforce these resolutions, which made the UN Secretaries-General the most concerned and preoccupied people in an issue for which they have nothing but the language of words, deaf positions and empty slogan speeches.

Other international institutions, such as the International Criminal Court, which has the authority to investigate war crimes, have become a platform for procrastination and delay, due to the arrogance of the United States of America and the influence of Zionism over it, and the accompanying torrent of enormous political pressures, which prevent that court and with it the International Court of Justice from taking any steps against the Israeli leaders involved in crimes against the Palestinians, or stopping the slaughter and killing to which they are being subjected.

As for the world parliaments, desp
ite our appreciation for many of them and their positions, they faced the same situation after they issued decisions supporting the Palestinian cause, without any significant impact from these decisions. The reason for this is that these parliaments do not have the ability to implement foreign policies on their own, and they need the approval of executive governments that Israel has preyed on and whose decisions have been neutralized. Accordingly, these decisions have remained mere ink on paper, a clear atonement for negligence, and an expression of political opinion without being used in effective policies that pressure Israel.

But the frustration created by condemnation and denunciation, despite the intensity of the challenges that the Palestinians have experienced and are experiencing, could not kill the hope in the heart of a people who have witnessed a flood of political transformations that brought about regimes and ideologies that appeared and disappeared, while they remained determined and stubborn,
until the conscience of the world awakens and condemnation and denunciation turns into action and impact. Words alone are not enough, but rather tangible measures must be taken to stop Israel and the dreams of its Zionists, because condemnation and denunciation will not achieve justice, but will contribute to the immersion of international decision-makers in the quagmire of the crime committed, which makes them partners in their silence and evasion of their responsibility. Does the international community realize the Palestinians’ need for real actions? Or are the Palestinians waiting for a million condemnations and denunciations to come, while the meter of impotence continues? We wait and see!

Source: Maan News Agency
