
Civil organizations: We reject the attacks on members of the Hebron Municipal Council and the intimidation of citizens

The Network of Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations condemned the criminal attack by eight masked gunmen on Sunday, September 24, 2023, on Abdul Karim Farrah, a member of the Hebron Municipal Council, wounding him in the knee after dragging him f...

The Network of Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations condemned the criminal attack by eight masked gunmen on Sunday, September 24, 2023, on Abdul Karim Farrah, a member of the Hebron Municipal Council, wounding him in the knee after dragging him from his car, assaulting him by beating him, and stealing his private vehicle. And burning it, and shooting bullets in the air with the aim of intimidating passers-by and attacking shops, and this was preceded by the attack by armed men shooting at the vehicle of Dr. Asma Al-Sharbati, Deputy Mayor of Hebron, endangering her life on 9/20/2023, and attacking the private clinic of her husband, Dr. Amjad Al-Hamouri, and threatening him. By known people, and later, shooting was fired at his clinic and a group of shops.

The Network of Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations, while wishing a speedy recovery and safety for Abdul Karim Farrah, expresses its strong rejection and denunciation of the criminal attack to which Farrah, Dr. Sharabati and her husband were subjected, and considers that what happened to them constitutes a criminal offense under the law.

The network also called on all executive authorities and bodies and the Public Prosecution to take urgent measures against the aggressors and bring them to justice as quickly as possible. The network also calls on the judicial authorities to take deterrent penalties against the aggressors.

The Network of Non-Governmental Organizations warned of the consequences of providing protection to the aggressors, which would open the door wide to attacks affecting the rule of law, public institutions, and civil peace in the Hebron Governorate. The Network also points out that the repeated incidents of assault on women who work in the public space, and the targeting of the municipal council, will contribute In the spread of phenomena and methods of resolving conflicts through intimidation, threats and bullying, which would reflect negatively not only on public order but also on all efforts that seek to establish the rule of law and respect for basic rights and freedoms

Source: Maan News Agency
