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China set 2025, 2027 goals for development of ‘future industries’

BEIJING: China will support the technological innovation, industrial cultivation and safety governance of "future industries," according to a government guideline. A batch of incubators and pilot zones of future industries should be built by 2025, wh...

BEIJING: China will support the technological innovation, industrial cultivation and safety governance of “future industries,” according to a government guideline.

A batch of incubators and pilot zones of future industries should be built by 2025, while breakthroughs should be achieved in about 100 core technologies in key fields, according to the guideline released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and six other ministries and agencies on Monday.

Future industries refer to new industries integrated with “frontier technologies,” such as metaverse, humanoid robots, brain-computer interface and quantum information, according to the guideline.

According to the China Global Television Network (CGTN), the aforementioned guideline also establishes a target for the year 2027. During this period, it is anticipated that China’s overall competence in prospective industries will experience substantial growth, accompanied by notable advancements in crucial technological domains, thereby positionin
g China as a global leader in selected sectors.

The authorities will coordinate national and local resources, encourage financial and fiscal support of promising start-ups, and facilitate international cooperation in the research and development of the future technologies.

The guideline called for efforts to develop signature products, enrich application scenarios and optimize industrial supporting systems for future industries, with a particular focus on six key fields including manufacturing, information, materials, energy, space and health.

Source: Emirates News Agency
