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Barghouti: Cabinet decisions are the most dangerous thing facing the Palestinian people since the Nakba

Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative Movement, warned of the danger of the Israeli cabinet's decisions that approved an unprecedented criminal expansion of settlements and practical measures to Judaize the e...

Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative Movement, warned of the danger of the Israeli cabinet’s decisions that approved an unprecedented criminal expansion of settlements and practical measures to Judaize the entire West Bank.

He added, in a statement received by Ma’an, that the decisions included the complete seizure of the Palestinian Authority’s civil powers in the so-called “B” areas and subjecting them to the control of the settlers led by Smotrich after the security powers of the Authority were cancelled in the so-called “A” areas. This is an affirmation of Israel’s termination of everything that remains of the miserable Oslo Accords. What is more dangerous is that the decisions legislate and implement changing the character of the West Bank from an occupied Palestinian land with foreign settlement bodies to an Israeli land in which the settlements and their roads besiege Palestinian cities, villages and camps and turn them into isolated and oppressed ghettos wi
th no communication between them.

Barghouti said, “Netanyahu and his fascist fundamentalist allies are implementing Netanyahu’s dream and fascist Zionism to eliminate every possibility of establishing an independent Palestinian state and to attempt to resolve the conflict and liquidate all Palestinian national rights, and to complete the implementation of the project of colonial settlement and replacement of all of Palestine.”

Barghouti pointed out that the cabinet’s decisions include not only building more illegal settlements but also the widespread demolition of Palestinian homes and facilities in most of the West Bank.

Barghouti stressed that the fascist decisions of the racist Israeli government and the war of genocide it is waging in Gaza are the most dangerous thing the Palestinian people have faced since the Nakba in 1948, and even threaten a greater and broader Nakba. The

Secretary-General of the National Initiative said that in light of these dangers, it is the duty of all Palestinian forces, fac
tions and energies to put aside their differences and conflicts and hasten to achieve national unity and a unified national leadership on a national struggle program that confronts the liquidation and Judaization plans that will show no mercy to anyone.

He continued: The Israeli government will not be deterred except by the broadest campaign to impose sanctions and boycott on it, both Arab and international, and anyone who claims to support the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and the establishment of a Palestinian state will be accused of hypocrisy unless he participates in imposing sanctions on the Israeli government and its fascist decisions

Source: Maan News Agency
