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Armed Forces says directions issued to facilitate conscription procedures

The General Command of the Armed Forces has issued directives to all units to provide all means of support and facilities nationwide, particularly the border governorates, to facilitate conscription procedures, Director of the Armed Forces Mobilization and Deploying Unit Brigadier General Mohamed Sobhy told MENA Friday.

The Armed Forces attaches great importance to the people of the border governorates and do not hesitate to provide them with all aspects of support in recognition of their significant national role, he added.

MENA has accompanied the Unit’s recruitment and judicial committees to Matrouh, North Sinai, South Sinai, Halayeb, and Shalateen to settle the recruitment situation of citizens residing in those governorates.

Recruitment committees are formed annually and all services provided in the border governorates are free of charge, Sobhy said.

Similar committees are created for residents abroad to help them stabilize their situation in the countries in which they are stationed, he added.

Additional facilities are provided for people of determination, Sobhy told MENA.

Recruitment committees are outfitted with cutting-edge technology that enables the quick issuance of certificates, provided all necessary documents are submitted, he added.

Many facilities for young people are presently being researched, with the goal of establishing a protocol of collaboration with the Egyptian Post to send requests to citizens at their homes, Sobhy said.

Source: State Information Service Egypt