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Armed Forces organize ceremony to honor martyrs families of Egypt, Sudan border guards

Egyptian Border Guard Corps has organized a ceremony in participation with the Sudanese Society to honor families of martyrs and old warriors of the border guards in Egypt and Sudan.

The ceremony comes as part of the sustained efforts exerted by the Armed Forces General Command to bolster military cooperation with neighboring countries in the various fields.

Addressing the ceremony, the Sudanese Charge D’Affairs in Egypt extended thanks to the Egyptian border guard corps on its keenness to honor the martyrs and their families, praising the outstanding relations binding the two countries.

Meanwhile, Commander of the Egyptian Border Guards Emad Al-Yamani delivered a word at the ceremony in which he extended greetings to Chief Commander of the Armed Forces Lt General Mohamed Zaki and Chief of Staff Osama Askar, asserting that this ceremony reflected a depth of the Egyptian-Sudanese ties.

At the end of the ceremony, a number of families of martyrs and their families were honored.

The Sudanese Charge D’Affairs in Cairo, members of the Sudanese Embassy in Egypt, the Sudanese Society and a galaxy of top military brass attended the ceremony.

Source: State Information Service Egypt