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Arab League Council calls for actions to end Israeli aggression on Palestinians, provide them with protection

The Arab League Council called today for urgent action to stop the Israeli aggressions against the Palestinian people and to provide them with international protection.The call came after concluding an extraordinary session held on the continuous and ...

The Arab League Council called today for urgent action to stop the Israeli aggressions against the Palestinian people and to provide them with international protection.

The call came after concluding an extraordinary session held on the continuous and escalating Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people throughout the Palestinian cities, camps and villages, including the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Jenin city and its refugee camp.

The Council called for urgent Arab action, including actions through the open-ended Arab ministerial committee tasked by the Arab summit to move at the international level to provide international protection for the Palestinian people.

The Council condemned the Israeli aggression and crimes against the Palestinian people, including the aggression against the city and camp of Jenin and the rest of the Palestinian cities, villages and camps, which targeted civilians, children and women in residential neighborhoods.

It also urged for launching urgent and intensive Arab diplomatic action through the councils of Arab ambassadors and the missions of the Arab League as well as communication through official channels with the permanent members of the UN Security Council and international decision-making centers, to express the Arab tendency to take what is necessary towards ending the Israeli occupation and all its aggressive policies, practices and measures against the Palestinian people.

The Council also decided to carry out visits, contacts, and send high-level joint and bilateral messages to the UN Security Council, its members, and international decision-making centers, with the aim of implementing international resolutions related to stopping all forms of Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people and providing international protection for them, including Security Council resolutions No. 2334 of 2016, resolution No.904 of 1994, 605 (1987), and UN General Assembly Resolution 10/20ES/RES/A of 2018, holding Israel responsible for all the consequences of its aggression.

It stressed that if the UN Security Council is unable to play its role and assume its responsibilities in maintaining international peace and security, it will go to the United Nations General Assembly to hold a resumed session on the tenth emergency special session of the General Assembly under the title “Uniting for Peace”, to issue the necessary decisions towards stopping the Israeli occupation aggression against the Palestinian people, the implementation of United Nations resolutions related to international protection for the Palestinian people, and granting the State of Palestine full membership in the United Nations.

The Council called on the International Criminal Court to fulfill its responsibilities under the Rome Statute that established the court’s work to complete the criminal investigation of war crimes and crimes against humanity that Israel has committed and continues to commit against the defenseless Palestinian people, including the crimes of settlement, annexation, aggression against cities, villages and camps, and the killing of civilians, journalists, paramedics, and forced displacement.

It also called on the court to study all options through which it can exercise its jurisdiction in the occupied land of the State of Palestine, to complete the investigation, to provide all the human and material capabilities for this investigation, and to give it the necessary priority.

The Arab League Council also urged the international community, states and institutions, to participate in the protection of Palestinian civilians, and to form a practical and effective mechanism to implement what was stated in General Assembly Resolution No. 10/20-ES/RES/A of 2018.

It as well urged the UN Secretary-General to apply practical and effective measures to protect Palestinian civilians, asking him to call on the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to assume their responsibilities and ensure respect and enforcement of the Convention in the occupied territory of the State of Palestine, including East Jerusalem, by stopping Israeli crimes and violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law.

The Council called on the international community to put pressure on Israel to allow the ongoing fact-finding committee established by the Human Rights Council on May 21, 2021 to enter the territory of the occupied State of Palestine to exercise its mandate in fact-finding about Israeli crimes and violations committed in the Palestinian territory, urging the committee to follow up on all Israeli violations and crimes within its mandate and to submit its reports and recommendations in this regard.

The Council affirmed its support for all steps, procedures and decisions taken by the Palestinian leadership to confront the continuous Israeli aggressions against the Palestinian people, including the Israeli aggression against Jenin city and its camp.

The Council also affirmed it will be in a permanent session to follow up the implementation of these steps, voicing support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including the right to self-determination, the right of return and compensation for Palestinian refugees, and the right to embody the sovereign and independent State of Palestine on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital., in addition to the right of the Palestinian people to legitimate self-defense in the face of the Israeli aggression that targets their lives, sanctities and properties.

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency