
APC exports largest shipment of potash to Europe in its history, 1st add

"APC is one of the largest Jordanian companies that contributes to the Kingdom's foreign currency reserves and provides the state treasury with millions of dinars annually from taxes, fees and mining revenues, and plays a key role in community develop...

“APC is one of the largest Jordanian companies that contributes to the Kingdom’s foreign currency reserves and provides the state treasury with millions of dinars annually from taxes, fees and mining revenues, and plays a key role in community development and contributes to making a positive change in the communities in which it operates,” said Abu Hdaib.

For his part, APC CEO (CEO of Arab Potash Europe), Maen Nsour, explained that APC’s ability to position itself in the European market is the result of close cooperation with key buyers in Northern and Northwest Europe, understanding their requirements and the company’s ability to develop new varieties of potash to suit their needs, such as European Special Potash, as well as developing innovative logistics models that enabled the company to reach various customers in the European continent, which is known for its high sales revenues.

Nsour added that in order to optimally meet the needs of customers in Europe who are difficult to serve with traditional log
istics services, APC developed logistics solutions that included renting warehouses in the ports of Belgium and the Netherlands.

Nsour explained that this enabled APC to ship large-sized vessels at lower freight rates than smaller vessels from Aqaba Port to these ports and serve the large customers located there. These solutions also enabled the company to store potash in these ports and reship it via small vessels, river barges and trucks to small and medium-sized customers located in various European countries such as France, Spain, Britain, Ireland, Benelux countries and Eastern European countries.

Nsour added that in 2024, APC established the Arab Potash Company – Europe (APC Trading and Logistics Europe AG) to strengthen the company’s presence in the European continent, increase its sales in this important region, and serve customers there in the best way possible.

Source: Jordan News Agency
