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Amy chief underscores importance of utilizing modern technology, combat drones systems to support armed forces

Maj. Gen. Yousef Huneiti, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, confirmed that the General Command of the Jordan Armed Forces Arab Army (JAF) keeps providing operational and logistical support to the Border Guard units in a way that helps them carry...

Maj. Gen. Yousef Huneiti, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, confirmed that the General Command of the Jordan Armed Forces Arab Army (JAF) keeps providing operational and logistical support to the Border Guard units in a way that helps them carry out their responsibilities and duties in an effective and efficient manner.

During a visit on Monday to the Royal Border Guard Battalion/3, a unit of the Central Military Zone, where he was welcomed by its commander, Huneiti was briefed on the battalion’s duties and tasks, the progress of operational, training, and logistical matters, and its role in protecting the borders within the area of responsibility.

The army chief emphasized the significance of utilizing modern technology of all kinds, particularly artificial intelligence and autonomous control systems, as well as combat and reconnaissance drones, to assist the armed forces with confronting current threats, noting that the modernization and development process that encompassed these qualitative tracks
in the armed forces serves as an incentive to expand on them in the future by preparing specialized and qualified military cadres.

In the presence of a number of senior JAF officers, the army chief met with the battalion’s officers and conveyed the greetings of His Majesty the Supreme Commander and the Crown Prince, lauding JAF ifficiers’ great efforts in their various positions and the high morale of the Central Zone’s officiers.

He emphasized the need to exert maximum efforts to protect the homeland and its resources in a way that contributes to enhancing its security and stability.

Source: Jordan News Agency
