
Amman Baccalaureate School celebrates 40th graduation

The Amman Baccalaureate School (ABS) celebrated its 40th Graduation at a ceremony on Friday sponsored by the Founder and Chairperson Emeritus of ABS, Princess Sarvath El Hassan. According to a statement, the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees and S...

The Amman Baccalaureate School (ABS) celebrated its 40th Graduation at a ceremony on Friday sponsored by the Founder and Chairperson Emeritus of ABS, Princess Sarvath El Hassan.

According to a statement, the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees and School Director, Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan congratulated the graduates and their families.

Princess Symaya thanked “all those who had contributed to their education and nurturing as rounded, humane and creative young people, from parents and extended family to teachers and staff.”

She said, “The thoughts and loving concern of this extended Jordanian family were very much focused towards our brothers and sisters in Palestine, and in Gaza in particular, on this day and every other day that the awful conflict and oppression continued.”

She expressed “deep pride” in Palestinians. “They have continued to teach the world heartbreaking lessons in patience, steadfastness, loyalty and love for community and nation.

“The celebration of the Class of 2024 also marked
a desire to send into the world those with the compassion, knowledge and determination to bring justice to Palestine.”

Princess Sumaya urged the graduates to carry “a deep pride in their identity and the empowering Jordanian spirit.”

CEO and Interim School Principal Fiyaz Ahmed praised the students’ success in meeting the International Baccalaureate (IB’s) requirements with flexibility and determination, overcoming challenges, and pursuing knowledge.

He added, “Today, we not only celebrate your academic achievements, but the incredible individuals you have become.”

The graduation ceremony included a speech on behalf of the Class of 2024, delivered by Valedictorian, Talal Younis, who expressed his fellow students’ “deep” solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza.

Graduate Alaa Eldin Arafa recited a poem for Gazans, expressing his generation’s determination to keep the Palestinian cause alive in the hearts and minds of all free Arabs.

The graduation ceremony concluded with the presentation by Princess Sarvath
El Hassan of certificates and awards to the graduates.

ABS has graduated over 2,800 students since its founding.

In 2024, ABS completed the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) Standards visit.

Source: Jordan News Agency
