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Al-Azhar: ‘Blasphemous’ parody of Last Supper at 2024 Olympics ‘normalizes insult’ to religion

Al-Azhar, Egypt’s top Sunni Islamic institution, condemned blasphemous scenes that depicting the Last Supper of Jesus Christ- Peace and blessing be upon him (pbuh)- at the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris.

‘The scenes portray Jesus ýChrist (pbuh) in an offensive image that involves disrespect to his person and to the high ýstatus of prophecy, in a barbaric, reckless manner that vexes believers in religions and ýtravesties morals and noble human values,’ said Al-Azhar in a statement on Sunday.

Al-Azhar underscored its permanent rejection of all attempts to disrespect any of Allah’s ýprophets, the statement added.

‘The prophets and the Messengers are the best of Allah’s creation. He chose them ýand preferred them over all other creation to carry the message of goodness to the ýworlds,’ the statement read.

‘Al-Azhar, and nearly two billion Muslims behind it, believe that Jesus (pbuh) is the ýMessenger of Allah. The Quran reads, Jesus is Allah’s ‘Word through Mary and a spirit ýfrom Him’ (4: 171),’ the s
tatement continued.

Allah also described Jesus in the Noble Qur’an as ‘honored in this world ýand the Hereafter, and he will be one of those nearest (to Allah)’ (3: 45). Allah counted him ýamong the Messengers of Resolve.

Muslims believe that disrespecting Jesus (peace and blessing on him) or ýany other prophet (peace be upon them all) is a sin and a shame on the perpetrators of ýthis heinous abuse and those who accept it.ý

Al-Azhar warned against the danger of exploiting global events to ‘normalize insults’ to religion and promote homosexuality and transgenderism

It also calls for unity which is necessary to ýconfront this deviant and low trend that aims to exclude religion and deify lowly sexual ýdesires that spread health and moral diseases, impose an animalistic lifestyle that ýcontradicts sound human nature, and thus forcibly normalize it in societies by all ýpossible and impossible means and methods.ý

A group of drag queens and dancers performed a parody of Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Last Super,’ at the
opening ceremony of Olympics Games in Paris, a scene that stirred the controversary and angry of Christians and Muslims worldwide. The ceremony organizers apologized for the Catholic Church and other Christian churches for this scene.

Source: State Information Service Egypt