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Abu Dhabi City Municipality organises ‘Institutional Excellence Forum 2023’

ABU DHABI: The Abu Dhabi City Municipality, in collaboration with Zayed University, Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT), and Mohamed bin Zayed University for Humanities (MBZUH), organised the 2023 Institutional Excellence Forum. Orgainsed at the muni...

ABU DHABI: The Abu Dhabi City Municipality, in collaboration with Zayed University, Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT), and Mohamed bin Zayed University for Humanities (MBZUH), organised the 2023 Institutional Excellence Forum.

Orgainsed at the municipality’s main building through the ADM’s Strategic Planning and Performance Management Sector, the forum aimed to promote institutional excellence across government and private sectors, raise awareness of best practices and knowledge exchange and inspire innovation through reviewing successful experiences.

The forum addressed key topics including sustainability, artificial intelligence (AI), and concepts of institutional excellence.

Zayed University delved into challenges and opportunities for implementing sustainability standards in small and medium-sized enterprises, offering methodologies for practical application.

The Higher Colleges of Technology explored the potential of AI in municipal services and upskilling, discussing UAE’s AI strategies and practi
cal applications. They also identified key skills needed to adapt to the evolving AI landscape.

MBZUH offered insights into the definition and importance of sustainability in the modern world, explaining its three dimensions and discussing the pathway towards achieving it. They also explored the “My Carbon Footprint” initiative and exchanged ideas on related challenges and opportunities.

The final session tackled the concept of institutional excellence, highlighting its stages of development and emphasising its significance for government and private sectors. The participants discussed optimal roadmaps towards excellence, navigating challenges effectively.

At the conclusion of the forum, Sarah Albraiki, Acting Director of the Corporate Excellence Department, awarded certificates of appreciation to the participating entities for their valuable contributions to the forum’s success.

Source: Emirates News Agency
