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‘A Year on Modernization’ forum continues activities

Activities of the 2nd day of “A Year on Modernization” forum, which is currently held by the government, to mark the 1st anniversary of launching Economic Modernization Vision (EMV) and the Public Sector Modernization Roadmap. Within today’s activities, 15 working sessions will be held, focusing on Jordan as a global destination, investment, quality of life, public sector modernization, high-value industries, entrepreneurship and innovation and future services. Participants will also go over sustainable resources, women’s economic participation, agriculture and food security, social protection, government services and digitization, and sustainable environment. Prime Minister Dr. Bishr Al-Khasawneh inaugurated the forum on Friday evening. More than 600 participants, who drafted Jordan’s visions of economic and administrative modernization, are taking part in the forum.

Source: Jordan News Agency