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A message from an elite group of jurists, intellectuals and academics in the Arab world to the United Nations

Bethlehem-Ma'an- A group of Arab human rights activists, intellectuals and academics sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. The elite called on Guterres to review the previous General Assembly resolutions, including reversing the can...

Bethlehem-Ma’an- A group of Arab human rights activists, intellectuals and academics sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

The elite called on Guterres to review the previous General Assembly resolutions, including reversing the cancellation of Resolution 3379, which considers Zionism a form of racism and racial discrimination, and issuing a new resolution that confirms this content, and the war crimes, aggression, genocide, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity committed and perpetrated by the State of Israel as a colonialist regime, must be prosecuted and their perpetrators must not escape punishment.

The message stated the following:

Mr. President of the United Nations General Assembly, Dennis Francis

Greetings and respect,

The United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution No. 3379 on November 10, 1975, which considered “Zionism a form of racism and racial discrimination”, at a time when the struggle of the Palestinian Arab people for their right to self-determination was
highly respected, especially after the liberation of many peoples and countries in Asia and Africa from the yoke of colonialism, following the issuance of Resolution No. 1514 by the United Nations General Assembly, which called for the end of colonialism in 1960. The Palestinian cause became, as recognized by international governmental and non-governmental circles, a cause of national liberation for a people who suffered from occupation. However, the United Nations, in a dangerous precedent, cancelled this resolution on December 16, 1991, thus violating the data on which it relied when it took this historic decision.

The reason for the retreat from describing the racist nature of Zionism is due to the imbalance of power at the global level, the dissolution of the socialist bloc, the United States’ dominance over international relations, and its monopoly on international decision-making, which has had a double negative impact on the Palestinian Arab people, a victim of racist discriminatory policies on the on
e hand, and on the issue of international peace and security on the other hand.

Mr. Secretary-General and President of the United Nations General Assembly

The dangerous development in the international situation at that time and on the eve of the cancellation of Resolution 3379 did not prevent the global human rights movement and supporters of peace and liberation from continuing their struggle to support the Palestinian Arab people and to reveal the truth of racist and supremacist practices, with awareness and understanding that this unprecedented step taken by the United Nations was taken in ambiguous circumstances, as the United Nations contradicted itself, at a time when the world was witnessing Israel’s racist approach and the increasing pace of settlement operations, deportation, land grabbing and the systematic evacuation of the population to eliminate the Palestinian presence in violation of international legitimacy and its resolutions, including Security Council Resolutions 242 of 1967 and 338 of 1
973, which explicitly declare the necessity of Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories, as contemporary international law does not permit the annexation of territories by force. In addition, the Security Council considered the Knesset’s decisions to annex Jerusalem and the Golan Heights null and void, and the International Court of Justice decided in 2004 that the construction of the ‘separation wall’ (the apartheid wall) Invalid, and ordered its dismantling and compensation for those affected by its construction.

It is worth noting that Israel continues to deny the United Nations resolutions, especially Resolution 181 of 1947 and Resolution 194 of 1948 on the Right of Return, in addition to another package of resolutions condemning its racist practices and denial of the rights of the Palestinian Arab people, which is what Israel and the forces behind it faced at the “Durban International Conference” (South Africa) regarding racism in 2001, where about 3,000 international human rights and humanitari
an organizations condemned Israel’s racist practices.

What prompts us to address this message to the United Nations is that Israel declares morning and evening that its political doctrine is Zionism, and that based on this doctrine it has been practicing aggression today on Gaza for 9 months, which the Secretary-General witnessed its brutality and expressed his sympathy with the victims on a humanitarian level, as more than 170 thousand people were killed or wounded, in addition to the destruction of vital facilities, infrastructure, schools, hospitals, mosques, churches and places of worship, and the targeting of medical crews and relief teams, in addition to cutting off water, food, medicine, electricity, fuel and the most basic necessities of human life.

Today, more than two million Palestinians are exposed to an unprecedented human catastrophe, and to a brutal war of genocide, in which the most heinous crimes against humanity and war crimes have been committed, in violation of the rules of international
humanitarian law, especially the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their two annexes, the Geneva Protocols of 1977, the first relating to the protection of victims of international armed conflicts; and the second relating to the protection of victims of non-international armed conflicts.

These new-old practices make Israel a rogue state outside international law. They even blatantly oppose the United Nations Charter, which recognizes the right of peoples to self-determination, as well as respect for human rights. This is a subject that cannot be overlooked, because it relates to the core of Israel’s political doctrine, which puts it in the dock, along with its political and military leadership, according to the decisions of the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court.

The world has begun to feel, to a large extent, including some Jews in America and Europe and many Western circles, especially students and youth, the danger of Zionism to the civilized world. Indeed, the belief h
as become widespread, according to the legal standard, that Zionism is a new form of racism and the apartheid system, which no longer exists as a political system in the world after the end of the racist South African system, except in Israel.

This was reflected in the increase in the balance of the State of Palestine, which was recently voted for by 143 countries that recognized its right to be a full member of the United Nations, which led to the expansion of the scope of international recognition of it, as happened when Spain, Ireland and Norway recognized it, as if in response to the racist Zionist practices.

We, as intellectuals, human rights activists, and advocates of peace based on justice in the Arab world, proceed from the human and human rights values ??in which we believe, and which are shared by intellectuals, human rights activists, and peace advocates from all over the world. We address you, by virtue of your responsibilities, to review the previous General Assembly resolutions, including rev
ersing the cancellation of Resolution 3379, which considers Zionism a form of racism and racial discrimination, and issuing a new resolution that affirms this content, and the war crimes, aggression, genocide, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity that the State of Israel has committed and is committing as a colonialist regime, must be prosecuted and not escape punishment.

The genocidal war practiced by the Israeli authorities in cold blood and without any legal, moral, religious or humanitarian consideration confirms the necessity, and even the legitimacy, of such a humanitarian demand that confirms the reality of racist practices and the political ideology that justifies them.

We will work together and individually with organizations, forces, cultural groups, countries and governments, and all those who believe that Zionism is a new face of racism embodied in the Israeli practices that have been carried out since 1948 until today, to achieve this goal. We will seek to achieve more solidarity with
the Palestinian Arab people, so that they can determine their own destiny, establish their independent and viable national state with Jerusalem as its capital, return the refugees, and compensate them for the injustice and damages they have suffered, and the destruction and devastation that has befallen them for more than three-quarters of a century. This is a great international responsibility that falls on the shoulders of the United Nations and all influential powers.

Signatories (in alphabetical order):

Prof. Dr. Gamal Zahran, Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Suez Canal University and President of the Arab Political Science Association, Egypt

A. Khamis Al-Qatiti, Writer and Political Analyst, Sultanate of Oman

Prof. Dr. Saleh bin Marzouq Hamlil / Director of the Law and Society Laboratory, former university director in Algeria

Prof. Dr. Nasreddine Ben Tayfour, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the University of Tlemcen, Algeria

Prof. Dr. Naaman Atef Amr
, Director of Al-Quds Open University – Dura Branch – Palestine

Prof. Dr. Heba Gamal El-Din, Head of the Future Studies Department at the National Planning Institute, Egypt

Prof. Dr. Yousef Ahmed Mufleh Al-Abbadi, former Dean of the Faculty of Law and current Head of the Department of Private Law at Amman Al-Ahliyya University, Jordan

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abdul Ghani Al-Haj Qassem, Professor of Public Law, Former President of the Supreme Constitutional Court in Palestine

Prof. Dr. Moataz Qafisha, Professor of International Law and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Law for Palestine, Palestine

Prof. Dr. Adnan Abbas Yousef, University Professor, Iraq

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Naseem Barqawi, Professor of Philosophy, Writer and Dean of the House of Philosophy in Fujairah, United Arab Emirates

Prof. Dr. Ben Zahaf Faisal, Professor of Public Law at the University of Oran 2, Head of the Department of the State and Society Research Unit, Algeria

Prof. Dr. Ben Sadat Nasreddine, Professor at Oran 2 University, Head of
Research Group at the State and Society Research Unit, Algeria.

Prof. Dr. Bousmaha Nasreddine, Professor of International Law at the University of Oran 2, Director of the State and Society Research Unit, Algeria

Prof. Dr. Jaoud Kamal, Professor of Private Law at Oran 2 University, Head of Research Group at the State and Society Research Unit, Algeria

Prof. Jamal Al-Shalabi / Professor of Political Science at Hashemite University, Jordan

Prof. Dr. Hussein Daajah / Professor of Political Science at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University / Jordan

Prof. Dr. Khalil Hussein, Professor of International Public Law at the Lebanese University, Lebanon

Prof. Dr. Salem Dakhil, University Professor, Libya

Prof. Dr. Charbal Abdelkader, Professor at the University of Blida, Member of the State and Society Research Unit, Algeria.

Prof. Dr. Safou Mohamed, Professor at Oran 2 University, Head of Department, State and Society Research Unit, Algeria

Prof. Dr. Taibi Belhachmi Mohamed El Amin, Professor of International Law at t
he University of Oran 2, Head of Department at the State and Society Research Unit, Algeria.

Prof. Dr. Asmani Leila, Professor of International Criminal Law at the University of Oran 2, Head of Department at the State and Society Research Unit, Algeria

Prof. Dr. Ali Muhafaza, former President of Yarmouk and Mutah Universities, Jordan

Prof. Dr. Farhat Hamou, Professor of Private Law at Mostaganem University, Head of Research Group at the State and Society Research Unit, Algeria.

Prof. Dr. Fahmi Jadaan, Thinker and Academic, Jordan

Prof. Dr. Kaci Fawzia, Professor at Oran 2 University, Head of Research Group at the State and Society Research Unit, Algeria

Prof. Dr. Munir Musa Abu Rahma / Professor at the Faculty of Law and Political Science and Lawyer at the State Council / Algeria

Prof. Dr. Najjar Makkia, Professor at Oran 2 University, Head of Research Group at the State and Society Research Unit, Algeria

Prof. Dr. Islah Jad, University Professor. Birzeit University, Palestine

Prof. Dr. Turki Ibrahim
Obeidat, University Professor, Jordan

Prof. Dr. Tawfiq Shomer, Academic and Researcher, Jordan

Prof. Dr. Adel Al-Harfoush, Syrian Academic

Prof. Dr. Abdullah Abu Al-Ghaith, Professor of History and International Relations at Sana’a University, Journalist and Trade Union Activist, Yemen

Prof. Dr. Abdul-Wadud Qasim Muqshar, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of Hodeidah, Yemen

Prof. Dr. Walid Abdul Hai, Professor of Future Studies, Jordan

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Madi, Retired Academic from the University of Jordan and President of the Philosophical Culture Society, Jordan

Prof. Dr. Tayseer Abdul Jabbar Al-Alusi, Researcher and Professor at Ibn Rushd University in the Netherlands, Iraq

Prof. Dr. Hamlil Saleh, Former University Director, Algeria

Prof. Dr. Khaled Naji Suwadi, University Professor, Iraq

Prof. Dr. Salim Ibrahim Al-Hassaniya, Retired University Professor, Damascus University, Germany

Prof. Dr. Farid Al-Alibi, Professor of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Sfax, Tunisia

Prof. D
r. Kurdistan Salem Saeed, University Professor, Iraq

Prof. Dr. Mohammed Hamed Abdul-Jaberi, University Professor, Iraq

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Khalifa Siddiq, University Professor, Sudan

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Masalha, Professor of Political Science and former President of the Jordanian Political Science Association, Jordan

Prof. Dr. Mazhar Al-Khafaji, Professor of Civilization at the University of Baghdad, Iraq

Prof. Dr. Nassif Mohsen Al-Hashemi, University Professor, Iraq

Prof. Dr. Nayef Jarad, Vice President of Al-Istiqlal University, Palestine

Prof. Hisham Ghasib, Thinker and Academic, Jordan

Ebtisam Al-Sayegh, Human Rights Activist, Bahrain

Ibrahim Abu Ghosh, Researcher, Palestine

Ibrahim Ismail Ibrahim Matar, Academic, Palestine

Ibrahim Al-Maqrawi, writer and journalist, Morocco

Ibrahim Mohammed Al-Saqr, Academic, Libya

Ibrahim Maghraoui, Secondary School Teacher and Journalist, Morocco

Ahmed Al-Hujairi, Writer and Human Rights Activist, Bahrain

Ahmed Al Rasam, short story writer, Egypt

Ahmed El M
eskeen, Human Rights Activist, Morocco

Ahmed Al-Haij, former president of the Moroccan Association for Human Rights, Morocco

Ahmed Ait Siali, educational and legal framework from Hatem Organization, Morocco

Ahmed Bernoussi, human rights activist, Morocco

Ahmed Boudaoud, Journalist, Algeria

Ahmed Dakhil, poet and journalist, Palestine

Ahmed Deeb Shalash, Political Activist, Jordan

Ahmed Ragheb, Lawyer and Human Rights Activist, Egypt

Ahmed Radhi, Journalist, Bahrain

Ahmed Zakarneh, Palestinian writer, media figure and researcher

Ahmed Ali Al-Atrash, Academic, Libya

Ahmed Awad, Human Rights Activist and Director of the Phenix Center for Economic Studies, Jordan

Ahmed Fakher, political activist and physician, Jordan

Ahmed Firas Al-Tarawneh, novelist, media figure and political activist, Jordan

Ahmed Qanawi, Lawyer/Egypt

Ahmed Kikich, Trainer and Human Rights Activist, Morocco

Ahmed Mesbah, Research Student in Constitutional Law, Tunisia

Idris Al-Kharshafi, Professor of Islamic Sciences, Morocco

driss Sadrawi, President of the Moroccan Association for Citizenship and Human Rights, Morocco

Adham Hassanein, Journalist, Netherlands

Professor Abdel Rahman Bin Amr, former President of the Moroccan Bar Association/Morocco

Professor Abdel Rahim Al-Jami, former President of the Moroccan Bar Association, Coordinator of the Moroccan Coalition Against the Death Penalty, and Coordinator of the Network of Lawyers Against the Death Penalty/Morocco

Israa Abdel Hafez, Journalist, Human Rights Activist, Feminist Researcher, Egypt

Islam Abdel Majeed Eid Abdel Majeed Awad, Political Researcher, Egypt

Islam Heidari, Political Science Researcher and Policy Analyst, Tunisia

Itidal Hussein Shaqir, artist and actress, Syria

Ideas by Youssef Hosni Hilal, Director of the Egyptian Foundation for the Advancement of Childhood Conditions, Egypt

Akraou Azzedine, Human Rights Activist, Morocco

Akram Al-Madanat, Political Activist, Jordan

Elf Kassab, Human Rights Advisor for the Middle East and North Africa, Tunisia

my El-Mirghani, Economic Researcher, Egypt

Alissar Khoury, retired diplomat and former UN employee, Syria

Amal Khreisha, Human Rights Activist and Director of the Palestinian Working Women Society for Development, Palestine

Amal Saadeh, Lawyer, Palestine

Amina Bint Al-Mukhtar, President of the Association of Women Heads of Households, Mauritania

Amira Hamdi, Human Rights Activist, Tunisia

Omaima Ghanmi, Journalist, Tunisia

Amin Benwadid, University Professor, Morocco

Amin Marayat, Journalist, Jordan

Amina, Researcher in Public Domestic Law, Tunisia

Anflous Mohamed, Human Rights Activist, Morocco

Anis Jamaa, Artist, Belgium

Ihishem Mohamed, community activist, Morocco

Aws Abu Atta, poet and writer, Palestine

Iyad Mahmoud Hassan Bandar, Associate Researcher, Palestine

Iman Jawhar Hayat, Former President of the Kuwait Freedom Society, Kuwait

Iman Shams El-Din, Researcher and Author, Kuwait

Iman Nouri Azzouzi, Educational Inspector in charge of Information and Communication at the Agency for Trai
ning in Tourism Professions, Tunisia

Enas Mousa Al-Zein, Academic, Palestine

Basil Ibrahim Al-Tarawneh, Human Rights Consultant and Expert, Jordan

Basil Al-Akkour, Journalist, Jordan

Buthaina Daghestani, Writer, Jordan

Bassam Ballan, journalist and writer, Syria

Basma Tlili, Education Professor and Human Rights Activist, Tunisia

Bashara Masa’adah, Human Rights Activist, Jordan

Al Bashir Obeid, writer, journalist and poet, Tunisia

Bashir Qaid Al-Dhubaibi, Researcher and Human Rights Activist, Yemen

Bakr Hijazi, Professor, Writer and Media Professional, Lebanon

Belhassen Sahli, Researcher, Tunisia

Bahija Hussein, Journalist, Egypt

Boubaker Larkou, former President of the Moroccan Organization for Human Rights, Morocco

Bouhamid Idris, Member of the Human Rights Association, Morocco

Bourahla Mahmoud, Writer, Algeria

Bayan Ahmed Salman, Writer and Researcher, Syria

Tronda Mendell, Writer, Syria

Tanouri Amina, President of Generations of Tomorrow Association, Morocco

Al-Tahami Belmaalem, human ri
ghts activist and association, protection of public money, Morocco

Al-Tahami Hamdash, Humanitarian Advocate, Morocco

Tawfik Ben Romdhane, writer and former Green Party MP, Tunisia

Thaer Mansour Al-Atrash, former member of the Syrian Engineers Syndicate Council, Syria

Tharwat Zaid Kilani, Educational Expert and Researcher, Palestine

Jalal Mohammed Handad, Lawyer and Legal Consultant, Yemen

Jalil Yousef Ali, Human Rights Activist, Bahrain

Jamal Al-Khatib, Researcher, Writer and Director of the Alternative Center for Studies and Research, Jordan

Jamal Muslim, human rights activist, honorary president of the Tunisian League for the Defense of Human Rights, Tunisia

Jamila Al-Nirghi, Human Rights Activist, Morocco

Jamila Issa, Secretary of the Nabaa Al-Ghadeer Association for Human Rights, Jordan

Jihad Al-Rantisi, writer and novelist, Jordan

Jawad Al-Harishawi, Human Rights Defender, Iraq

Hajim Falah Al-Rakan, Human Rights Activist, Iraq

Hassan Ait Bihi, Moroccan journalist

Hassan Kamoun, Engineer, L
egal Expert and President of the Moroccan Forum for Truth and Justice, Morocco

Hassan M. Youssef, Writer and Journalist, Syria

Al-Hussein Oulhous, Human Rights Activist, Morocco

Hussein Da’sa, artist, critic and political writer, Jordan

Hafiza Al-Morabit, Human Rights Activist, Morocco

Hakima Chaoui, poet, writer and director of the Center for Education on Women’s Human Rights, Morocco

Hamadi Al-Fali, writer and media figure, Morocco

Hamdi Abdel Aziz, Researcher and Member of the Central Secretariat of the Egyptian Socialist Party, Egypt

Houria Benmohammadi, human rights activist, member of the Moroccan Association for Human Rights, Morocco

Khaled El-Balshy, Head of the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate

Khaled Sayed Taha, Syrian writer

Khaled Mohamed Abdel Aziz Shaaban, former parliamentarian and Secretary General of the Egyptian Trade Union Federation, Egypt

Khadija Riyadi, human rights activist, recipient of the 2013 United Nations Human Rights Prize, Morocco

Khadija Al-Maghribi, Human Rights Acti
vist, Australia

Khadija Bensaid, Human Rights Activist, Morocco

Khaldoun Gharaibeh, cartoonist, Jordan

Khawla Zaazaa, Legal Researcher, Tunisia

Dr. Hamdi Abdel Hafez, Member of the Board of Trustees of the Socialist Popular Alliance Party, Egypt

Dr. Sahar Al-Qawasmi, Member of the Palestinian Central Council, Head of the National Committee for Reform and Civil Peace in Palestine

Dr. Ibrahim Hijazin, retired researcher and teacher, Jordan

Dr. Ibrahim Saad Ghorof, University Lecturer, Palestine

Dr. Ahmed Abdullah Al-Maghribi, Legal Advisor, Trkiye

Dr. Ahmed Qanbar, Writer, Syria

Dr. Arej Ali Jaber, Professor of Political Science, Jordan

Dr. Islam Al-Jabi, Academic, Iraq

Dr. Ashraf Abdel Ghaffar, Head of the Centre for Political and Human Studies, United Kingdom

Dr. Al-Aidi Aoudash, International Law Expert, Algeria

Dr. Al-Mabrouk Mohammed Abu Omeid, University Professor, Libya

Dr. Ilham Abdul Rahim Al-Alan, Professor of Political Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jordan

Dr. Ayman Ibrahim Al-Ra
qab, Palestinian Academic, Palestine

Dr. Ayoub Abudia, Academic, Jordan

Dr. Basem Khalil Ajarmeh, Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Information Technology – Al-Istiqlal University, Palestine

Dr. Bilal Sharif Ghanem, University Professor, Al-Istiqlal University, Palestine

Dr. Thoria Abdel Gawad, University Professor, Egypt

Dr. Jamila Ballout, Assistant Professor, Lebanon

Dr. Habes Al-Shorof, Director General of the Palestine Institute for National Security Studies, Palestine

Dr. Khaled Shawkat, Lecturer and Visiting Professor of International Law and Human Rights at several Arab and European Universities, and President of the Arab Democracy Institute, Tunisia

Dr. Khaldoun Saad Al-Hakim, Syrian social activist and doctor

Dr. Rafeh Al-Saadi, a Syrian researcher and physician residing in the Emirates

Dr. Rabie Al-Karai, University Professor, Human Rights and Political Activist, Morocco

Dr. Raja Ibrahim Salim, Researcher in International Relations, Arab Republic of Egypt

Dr. Rifat Saye
d Ahmed, Researcher and National Thinker, Egypt

Dr. Riad Khalefat, University Professor, Jordan

Dr. Riad Noufal, Syrian writer and researcher

Dr. Reem Mansour Sultan Al-Atrash, Researcher and Historian, Syria

Dr. Zahdi Al-Shami, Economist, Egypt

Dr. Samer Mousa, Human Rights Activist, Palestine

Dr. Sami Abu Kamil, Researcher, Palestine

Dr. Sarmed Al-Khazraji, Academic and Civil Activist, Iraq

Dr. Sultan Al-Zghoul, Poet and Critic, Jordan

Dr. Suleiman Jaradat, Chairman of the Administrative Board of the Palestinian Authority for Doctoral Holders in Public Service.

Dr. Shukria Abu Asi Salah al-Din, a writer residing in Austria, Syria

Dr. Ghazi Al-Rasheed, Lawyer, Jordan

Dr. Fayyad Al-Naimi, PhD in Media (Journalism), Lebanon

Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Zoubi, Researcher, Jordan

Dr. Mohammed Al-Hourani, President of the Arab Writers Union, Syria

Dr. Mohammed Al-Shiyab, President of the Jordanian Philosophical Society, Jordan.

Dr. Mohammed Jarar Al Khattab, University Professor, Al Hussein Bin T
alal University, Jordan

Dr. Mohammad Salim Al-Tarawneh, International Law and International Humanitarian Law Expert, Jordan

Dr. Muhammad Salih Al-Saghbini, Syrian doctor and university professor residing in Jordan

Dr. Mahmoud Elkhafif, Economist and former UN staff member, Egypt

Dr. Mohieddine Lagha, university professor and Secretary General of the Tunisian League for the Defense of Human Rights

Dr. Marwan Emil Toubasi, Ambassador and Chairman of the Founding Committee of the National Forum for Solidarity among Peoples, Palestine

Dr. Marwan Alawneh, Academic, Palestine

Dr. Maha Bitar, Head of the History Department, Faculty of Arts II, University of Damascus, Syria

Dr. Musa Khalil Mitri, Legal Expert, Syria

Dr. Muwaffaq Mahadin, President of the Jordanian Writers Association, Jordan

Dr. Mervat Shaheen, University Professor, Palestine

Dr. Nafez Masalma, Assistant Professor, Al-Quds Open University, Palestine

Dr. Nabiha Mohammed Ali, Academic, Jordan

Dr. Haitham Al Salman, University Professor, Ba

Dr. Haitham Manna, Legal Expert, Syria

Dr. Haifa Khaled, PhD in Sociology, Jordan

Dr. Ebtihal Al-Khatib, Professor at Kuwait University and Human Rights Activist, Kuwait

Dr. Ahlam Baydoun, Professor of International Law, Lebanon

Dr. Ahmed Dalalah, University Professor, Jordan

Dr. Ahmed Rashed, University Professor, Jordan

Dr. Ahmed Sham Rashid, University Professor, Iraq

Dr. Ahmed Ali Al-Atrash, Academic, Libya

Dr. Ahmed Kadri, University Professor, Morocco

Dr. Ahmed Mohi El-Din Saleh, University Professor, Iraq

Dr. Ahmed Nazzal, Secretary General of the Lebanese Writers Union/Lebanon

Dr. Osama Qorin, Lawyer accredited to the State Council, Algeria

Dr. Osama Mohammed Hamed Al-Maghribi, University Professor, Palestine

Dr. Asaad Ahmed Al-Ghanem, Assistant University Professor, Iraq

Dr. Asmaa Abdel Baqi, University Professor, Iraq

Dr. Ismail Bahaa El-Din, writer and university professor at Cairo University/Egypt

Dr. Ashraf Fouad Ahmed Kanaan, Faculty Member, Jordan

Dr. Iqbal Zalila, Unive
rsity Professor, Tunisia

Dr. Al-Hussein Al-Qassim, University Professor, Mauritania

Dr. Amna Al-Khasawneh, Academic, Jordan

Dr. Amira Abdel Hamid, Lecturer in International Relations, United Kingdom

Dr. Amin Bin Masoud, University Professor, Tunisia

Dr. Amin Benwadid, University Professor, Morocco

Dr. Insaf Mishta, University Professor, Tunisia

Dr. Ayman Hassan, poet and university professor, Tunisia

Dr. Ayman Hassan, University Writer and Translator, Tunisia

Dr. Ayman Ali Al-Omari, PhD in Political Science, Jordan

Dr. Enas Nazzal, Financial Policies and Budgets Researcher, Palestine

Dr. Bassiouni Hamada, University Professor, Egypt

Dr. Bushra Barghawi, University Professor, Morocco

Dr. Balbana Mohamed, Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Mostaganem, Algeria

Dr. Ben Salem Kamal, Professor of Private Law at the University of Mostaganem, Algeria.

Dr. Ben Issa Kadour, Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Mostaganem, Algeria.

Dr. Bahoula Haifa, University Professor, Tuni

Dr. Bougalb Mohamed, Retired University Professor, Morocco

Dr. Tayseer Abu Odeh, Writer, Translator and Academic, Jordan

Dr. Thaer Tamizi, Assistant Professor at Ahliya University in Bethlehem, Palestine

Dr. Jean Alia, University Professor and Head of the Public Procurement Authority, Lebanon

Dr. Jalal Al-Zein, University Professor, Tunisia

Dr. Jamal Al-Daboubi, Professor of Political Science, Jordan

Dr. Jamal Khaled Al-Fadi, University Professor, Palestine

Dr. Jamil Zein El-Din, Researcher, Social Activist and Doctor, Syria

Dr. Jamila Ballout, Assistant Professor, Lebanon

Dr. Janan Al-Imam, University Professor, Tunisia

Dr. George Jabbour, President of the Arab League for International Law (under establishment), Syria

Dr. Hussam Awad, University Professor, Palestine

Dr. Hassan Al-Ashmar, University Professor, Lebanon

Dr. Hassan Jouni, Professor of International Law and Expert in International and Regional Organizations, Lebanon

Dr. Hassan Mohammed Simian, University Professor, Iraq

Dr. Ha
ssan Hani Al-Atrash, retired Syrian science professor

Dr. Hamid Al-Naghash, University Professor, Morocco

Dr. Hamid Ajana, University Professor, Morocco

Dr. Hamid Mansoum, University Professor, Morocco

Dr. Hanane Brahmi, University Professor, Algeria

Dr. Hayat Hamdi, University Professor, Tunisia

Dr. Khaled Jamil Abdulrahman Mohsen, University Professor, Jordan

Dr. Khadouma Abdelkader, Professor at Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed University, Algeria

Dr. Khadija Sabbar, Academic Researcher in Philosophy and History, Morocco

Dr. Khaldoun Saad Al-Hakim, Syrian researcher and physician, Germany

Dr. Dakhli Mohsen, University Professor, Tunisia

Dr. Rabie Al-Karai, human rights and political activist, Morocco

Dr. Rashid Al-Azouzi, Professor and Researcher, Morocco

Dr. Rana Yousef, University Professor, Jordan

Dr. Rawda Ben Othman, Lecturer, Tunisia

Dr. Riad Yousef Al-Sobh, Human Rights Consultant, Jordan

Dr. Reham Sayed Kamel, Researcher in International Relations, Egypt

Dr. Zuhair Ben Jant, Professor of S
ociology, Tunisia

Dr. Ziad Al-Arja, Lawyer and Political and Legal Advisor, Jordan

Dr. Sassi Taha, University Professor, Morocco

Dr. Salem Dakhil, University Professor, Libya

Dr. Sami Al-Khaliki, Faculty Member at the University of Tripoli, Libya

Dr. Sami Jamal, University Professor, Tunisia

Dr. Sami Khawaldeh, Assistant Professor at the Arab Open University, Jordan

Dr. Sami Muhammad Mahmoud Abu Kamil, PhD in Political Science and Researcher in Security and Political Issues, Palestine

Dr. Sani Al-Khasawneh, University Professor, Jordan

Dr. Saadi Mohamed, Professor of International Law and International Relations, University of Glizan, Algeria

Dr. Saad Fathallah, University Professor, Iraq

Dr. Said Ardif, University Professor, Morocco

Dr. Saeed Mohammed Abu Rahma, PhD in Media and Lecturer at Al-Quds Open University in the Gaza Strip, Palestine

Dr. Salsabil Klibi, University Professor, Tunisia

Dr. Salwa Alwan, Professor of Media and Human Rights Activist, Egypt

Dr. Salim Jaber, Syrian poet and p
hysician, London

Dr. Salim Hadoussa, University Professor, Tunisia

Dr. Samar Maknay, University Professor, Jordan

Dr. Samir Al-Sous, University Professor, Jordan

Dr. Samira Al-Zagher, Researcher, Syria

Dr. Sinan Shaqdih, Executive Committee Member, Palestinian American Institutions Network, USA

Dr. Shahla Tawfiq Zarouki, University Professor, Iraq

Dr. Sabah Salim Mustafa Sharshir, Member of the Board of Trustees of Palestine Technical University-Khadouri and Member of the Board of Directors of the Women’s Affairs Team, Palestine

Dr. Salah Ahmed Hashem, Writer, Thinker and Academic, Egypt

Dr. Salah Abdel-Ati, Lawyer and Head of the International Committee to Support the Rights of the Palestinian People (Hashd), Palestine

Dr. Tariq Idris, University Professor, Lebanon

Dr. Tariq Abdul Rahman Shuaib, UN Representative and Ambassador for Peace and Development, Libya

Dr. Taha Tantawi, African Affairs Expert, Egypt

Dr. Asem Al-Barqan, University Professor, Jordan

Dr. Atef Saleh Al-Rawati, Researcher an
d Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Sousse, Tunisia

Dr. Amer Shehadeh, University Professor, Palestine

Dr. Amel Taibi, Lecturer, Algeria

Dr. Aida Katata, University Professor, Tunisia

Dr. Abdul Hussein Shaaban, Thinker and Academic, Iraq

Dr. Abdel Hamid Al-Ashqari, Professor of Sociology, Kingdom of Morocco

Dr. Abdul Hamid Dashti, Lawyer and former Member of Parliament, Kuwait.

Dr. Abdul Razzaq Jaloud, University Lecturer, Palestine

Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Mashhadani, University Professor, Iraq

Dr. Abdul Rahman Ramzi, University Professor, Iraq

Dr. Abdul Rahim Jamous, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Palestinian Jurists Union

Dr. Abdel Fattah Abu Sarous, Writer, Theatre Artist and Academic, Palestine

Dr. Abdel Fattah Al-Zein, Sociologist, Morocco

Dr. Abdul Latif Abu Odeh, University Professor, Palestine

Dr. Abdullah Karim, University Professor, Morocco

Dr. Abdelkader Hamdouni / University Professor / Tunisia

Dr. Abdel Wahid Hamza, University Professor of Economics and Social W
ork, Morocco.

Dr. Adnan Al-Jazouli, University Professor and Human Rights Activist, Morocco

Dr. Azmi Mansour, University Professor, Jordan

Dr. Aziz Ghali, Vice President of the International Federation for Human Rights, Morocco

Dr. Issam Mahmoud Al-Jaghami, researcher and physician, Syrian

Dr. Afaf Salman, University Professor, Palestine

Dr. Ala Kattaneh, University Professor, Jordan

Dr. Alaa Awad, University Professor, Egypt

Dr. Ali Al-Attar, Lawyer and Researcher, Palestine

Dr. Ali Abdullah Al-Yasani, Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Sana’a University, Yemen

Dr. Ali Younes, Professor of International Relations at the Lebanese University, Lebanon

Dr. Alia Asali, University Professor, Former Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teacher Training at An-Najah National University

Dr. Imad Khaled Abdel Nabi Hamad, University Professor, Libya

Dr. Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul, writer and political researcher, Palestine

Dr. Awad Al-Shalawi, Teaching Assistant, Libya

Dr. Issa Al-Ayoubi, Pr
ofessor of International Relations and Diplomacy, France

Dr. Issa Al-Kanj, University Professor, Jordan

Dr. Ghada Ben Jaa Allah, University Professor of Law, Tunisia

Dr. Ghada Kamal, PhD in Modern Literature, Egypt

Dr. Ghazi An’aim, former president of the Jordanian Fine Artists Association

Dr. Ghaniya Hafzi Malhis, Writer and Researcher in Political Economy, Jordan

Dr. Ghassan Bisharat, University Professor, Jordan

Dr. Ghassan Hamza, Researcher and Doctor, Syria

Dr. Fatima Khafagi, Socialist Alliance Party, Egypt

Dr. Fandy Abu Fakhr, Lecturer at the Faculty of Arts II – Department of History at Damascus University, Syria

Dr. Fawzi Al-Samhouri, Head of Juzur Center for Human Rights, Jordan

Dr. Fawzi Ou Siddik, Professor of International Law, Algeria

Dr. Volette Dagher, Human Rights Activist and President of the Arab Commission for Human Rights, Lebanon

Dr. Faisal Bin Zahaf, Professor at the University of Oran 2, Algeria

Dr. Faisal Jalloul, Researcher at the Paris Academy of Geopolitics, Lebanon

r. Qabas Hassan Awad Al-Badrani, Professor of Public Law, Iraq

Dr. Kurdistan Salem Saeed, University Professor, Iraq

Dr. Karim Al-Sayeh, University Professor, Morocco

Dr. Karima El-Hafnawy, Egyptian Pharmacist and Writer

Dr. Kamal Al-Faqih, Researcher and Doctor, Syria

Dr. Kamal Qabaa, Professor of Jurisprudence, Palestine

Dr. Lubna Tarabay, Professor of Cultural Anthropology at the Institute of Social Sciences, Lebanon

Dr. Laure Abi Khalil, Professor of International Humanitarian Law at the Lebanese University, Lebanon

Dr. Leila Osmani, Professor of Higher Education, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Oran 2, Algeria

Dr. Laila Faidi, University Professor, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of the Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counseling, Palestine

Dr. Lina Al-Zaani, Researcher and Human Rights Activist, Palestine

Dr. Lina Abdullah Shabib, Associate Professor of Public Law and Human Rights Activist, Jordan

Dr. Magdy Abdel Hamid Bilal, Human Rights Activist, Egypt

Dr. M. Moha
med Mounir Megahed, Former Vice President of the Nuclear Power Plants Authority for Electricity Generation, Egypt

Dr. Majed Al-Khawaja, Writer and Academic, Jordan

Dr. Marcel Jouinat, Academic, Jordan

Dr. Mazen Hanna, Writer and Politician, Jordan

Dr. Mubarak Daoudi, University Professor, Algeria

Dr. Mohamed Ahdouch, University Professor, Morocco

Dr. Mohammed Al-Shoubaki, University Professor, Palestine

Dr. Mohamed El Kahil, Secretary General of the Moroccan Association for the Protection of the Arabic Language, Morocco

Dr. Mohammed Al-Mikhlafi, University Professor and Lawyer, Yemen

Dr. Mohamed Bahia Al-Idrisi, University Professor, Morocco

Dr. Mohamed Thabet Hassan, Academic Researcher, Egypt

Dr. Mohamed Hamza, University Professor and Unionist, Morocco

Dr. Mohamed Kharoubi, Member of the Board of Trustees (IOFS), Libya

Dr. Mohammad Khalaf Al-Raqad, Professor of Political Science (Part-time Lecturer at the University of Jordan and Hashemite University 2012-2019) and Assistant Professor at Zarqa
Private University, Jordan

Dr. Mohammad Salim Al-Rawashdeh, University Professor, Jordan

Dr. Mohammad Saleh Al-Saghbini, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry, Zarqa Private University, Syria

Dr. Mohammed Abdul Rahman Ahmed, University Professor, Jordan

Dr. Mohammed Assaf, University Professor, Palestine

Dr. Mohamed Issa, Retired University Professor, UK

Dr. Mohamed Mohsen Abu El Nour, President of the Arab Forum for Iranian Policy Analysis – AFIP, Egypt

Dr. Mohamed Mohamed Naguib Madi, University Professor, Egypt

Dr. Mohamed Nashtawi, University Professor, Morocco

Dr. Mariam Al-Riyahi, Assistant Professor of Higher Education, Tunisia

Dr. Mariam Mansoura Al-Sadig Al-Mahdi, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, National Umma Party, Sudan

Dr. Mustafa Al-Zaki, University Professor, Morocco

Dr. Mustafa Yaghi, lawyer, human rights activist and former member of the Jordanian Parliament/Jordan

Dr. Musab Rushdi Ahmed Khalil, University Professor, Palestine

Dr. Moatasem Nimer Ishtia, Academic, Pa

Dr. Mounir Fayyad, Researcher in International Relations and Professor of Political Science and Media, Lebanon

Dr. Musa Khaled Mohammed Al-Ajlouni, University Professor, Jordan

Dr. Musa Saleh, Political Activist and Doctor, Jordan

Dr. Nasser Jadallah, Ambassador of the State of Palestine to Senegal, Palestine

Dr. Najat Al-Zamouri, Professor of Linguistics, First Vice President of the Tunisian League for the Defense of Human Rights, Tunisia

Dr. Najib Saber, University Professor, Morocco

Dr. Nassim Belhoul, University Professor, Algeria

Dr. Naseem Mohammed Saleh Muslim, Academic, Palestine

Dr. Nasreddine Bousmaha, University Professor, Algeria

Dr. Nizam Assaf, former Secretary General of the Jordanian Political Science Association, Jordan

Dr. Nihad Domit, University Professor, Lebanon

Dr. Nour Sabira, University Professor, Algeria

Dr. Nora Nojoum, Head of Languages ??Department, Palestine

Dr. Nouri Dris, University Professor at Setif 02 University, Algeria

Dr. Nevin Mosaad, Professor, Fac
ulty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University, Egypt

Dr. Hala Al-Nasri, University Professor, Tunisia

Dr. Hani Soliman, Director of the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Cairo, Egypt

Dr. Hisham Skik, University Professor, Tunisia

Dr. Hana Abdul Karim Fadl, Historian and Researcher in Modern and Contemporary History, Yemen

Dr. Wajdi Bin Omar, University Lecturer, Tunisia

Dr. Wajih Abu Dharifa, Palestinian Center for Cultural Dialogue and Development, Palestine

Dr. Wahid Abdel Majeed, Writer and Thinker, Egypt

Dr. Wahid Mahmoud Al-Farshishi, Dean of Legal, Political and Social Sciences, University of Carthage, Tunisia

Dr. Wissam Jodeh, Human Rights and Feminist Activist, Palestine

Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College of Law, University of Mosul, Iraq

Dr. Wafaa Al-Khatib, Professor of Criminology, Faculty of Law, Al-Quds University, Palestine

Dr. Wafaa Ben Achour, Retired University Professor, Tunisia

Dr. Walid Salem, Professor in the Master’s Program in Jeru
salem Studies – Al-Quds University and Editor-in-Chief of Al-Maqdisiyya Magazine, Palestine

Dr. Yassin Mahmoud, Advisor to the Parliament of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Iraq.

Dr. Youbi Abdelkader, Professor of International Law at the University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Head of the Research Group at the State and Society Research Unit, Algeria.

Duaa Al-Ajouz, Cassation Lawyer, Egypt

Radhi Al-Moussawi, Journalist, Bahrain

Raed Ahmed Al-Athamneh, Lawyer and Human Rights Activist, Jordan

Rabia Al-Rifai, Human Rights Activist, Jordan

Rabia Al-Maki Murcia, President of the Murcia International Cultural Foundation, Spain

Raja Jaafar, Human Rights Activist, Lebanon

Raja Rouhi Sweidan, University Faculty Member, Palestine

Rasoul Abdul Kaabi, Head of Tawa Human Rights Organization, Iraq

Rachid Al-Sabbahi, journalist and president of the Moroccan Press Club, Morocco

Rachid Bargane, intellectual and human rights activist, Morocco

Reda Talili, Researcher, Tunisia

Reda Barakati, Writer and Journalist, Tunis

Rana Hadeeb, Lawyer and Human Rights Activist, Palestine

Randa Siniora, Feminist Rights Activist, Palestine

Rawda Malawi, Researcher in International Relations and Diplomacy, Tunisia

Riadh Abidi, Human Rights Activist, Tunisia

Riad Issa, Researcher and Human Rights Activist, Lebanon

Rima Ahmed Khalil Awadallah, journalist and human rights activist, Jordan

Reham Al-Saadi, Academic, Palestine

Zubeir Sultan Qaddouri, writer and historian, Syria

Zaal Abu Raqti, Media Person, Palestine

Zakaria Ahmedou Bouabid, Professor and Researcher, Mauritania

Zuleikha Abu Risha, poet and human rights activist, Jordan

Zuhair Kazim Abboud, Retired Iraqi Judge, Iraq

Zuhair Makhlouf, human rights activist and former member of the House of Representatives, Tunisia

Zainab Ibrahim Al-Darazi, Human Rights Activist, Bahrain

Zainab Hafs El Maghari, human rights activist and head of the Rabat office of the National Centre for Human Rights, Morocco

Zainab Abdullah Khamis, Human Rights Activist, Bahrain

Sari Saad, Legal
Advisor and Director of Ettijahat Center for Studies and Research, Palestine

Sama Awida, General Director of the Women’s Studies Center, Palestine

Sami Tahri, Assistant Secretary General, Tunisian General Labour Union, Tunisia

Samia Lahshab, Translator, Tunisia

Sabrine Wafi, President of a Peacebuilding NGO, Tunisia

Souad Brahma, lawyer, human rights activist and president of the Moroccan Association of Progressive Women, Morocco

Saeed Moulay El Taj, writer, media professional and pedagogue, Morocco

Saida Mohamed Hashi, Lawyer, Somalia

Salam Nasser El-Din, Journalist, Lebanon

Salman Al-Bad’aish, Syrian novelist and musician

Salman Raja Al-Hanifat, Journalist, Jordan

Salman Naqrash, Political Activist, Jordan

Salwa Hamrouni, Professor of Law, Tunisia

Salim Abdelli, Writer and Academic, Denmark

Salim Kadyan, Attorney at Law at the Supreme Court, Algeria

Simon Bounouar, President of the Bar Association in Tlemcen, Algeria

Samih Sinqrot, Lawyer and Member of the Board of Trustees of the Internatio
nal Council for Social Work in the Middle East and North Africa Region, Jordan

Samih Mohsen, writer and poet, Palestine

Samira El-Gazzar, Member of Parliament, Egypt

Samira Al-Khalfi, visual artist and poet, and Ambassador of Peace at the World Assembly for Peace and Development, Tunisia

Samira Bouhia, political and human rights activist, Morocco

Siham Arslan, writer and social activist, Syria

Suhair Odeh, Feminist Activist, Writer and Researcher, Palestine

Susan Shenar, President of the Palestinian Women’s Action Association, Palestine

Susan Awad, Radio Broadcaster, Lebanon

Sirine Al-Ayadi, Lawyer and Human Rights Activist, Tunisia

Chadli Basidi, Retired Professor, Morocco

Shafik Bodron, Ph.D., Political Science and Human Rights, USA

Shaher Jumaa Abdel Rahim Al-Badawi, Academic, Palestine

Sharaf Al-Mousawi, Human Rights Activist, Bahrain

Shukri Latif, President of the Tunisian Organization Against Torture, Tunisia

Shahrazad Hassan, Academic Researcher, France

Shawkat Saadoun, Writer and Resea
rcher, Jordan

Shoya Mohammed, Human Rights Activist, Morocco

Sheikh Sayed Mohamed Bab, Professor, Mauritania

Sadiq Al-Run, Professor, Morocco

Safi Nasri, Media, Morocco

Saleh Khaled Hamdoni, Writer and Photographer, Jordan

Sabah Obaid, Translator, Palestine

Safaa Abu Khadra, Writer, Jordan

Salah Al-Khawaja, expert on Israeli affairs and advisor to the head of the Wall and Settlement Resistance Commission, Palestine

Salah El-Din Saadeh, Palestinian researcher and activist, Germany

Salah Adly, Secretary General of the Egyptian Communist Party

Dohaa Bahaa Ahmed Abdel Rahman, Lawyer and Human Rights Researcher, Egypt

Dharar Darwish, Researcher, Palestine

Diaa El-Din Dawoud, Lawyer and Member of Parliament, Egypt

Diaa Al-Saadi, former President of the Iraqi Bar Association, and Vice President of the Arab Lawyers Union, Iraq

Tarek El-Awady, Human Rights Lawyer and Member of the Presidential Pardon Committee, Egypt

Tariq Haddad, member of the Social Democratic Party and member of the Board of Directo
rs of the Ajloun Governorate Reconstruction, Jordan

Tariq Abdul Rahman Shaib, Academic, Libya

Tariq Odeh, party member and human rights activist, Jordan

Talat Dahlan, Researcher in Higher Education, Palestine

Zahir Mohamed Ali, Lawyer, Somalia

Abed Al-Zarii, Director of the Center for Palestine Land Studies, Tunisia/Palestine

Adel Al-Hamdi, journalist and director of Quds Press International Agency for the East, Tunisia

Adel Chikito, President of the Moroccan League for the Defense of Human Rights, Morocco

Adel Qassoua, retired researcher and Arabic language teacher, Syria

Aref Abdul Muslim Al-Madi, Writer, Iraq

Amer Samara, President of the Pen Family Club, Jordan

Aida Issawi, Feminist Activist, Palestine

Obada Muwaffaq Al-Wardat, Human Rights Activist, Jordan

Abdul Bari Taher, President of the Yemeni Writers Union and former President of the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate, Yemen

Abdelhafid Khazma, Professor, Morocco

Abdul Hamid Arsan, Syrian lawyer and consultant

Abdel Hamid Kamal, Parliamenta
rian, Political Science Researcher and Local Government Expert, Egypt

Abdel Rahim Chibani, human rights activist, Morocco

Abdel Rahim Majdi, President of the Moroccan Association for Human Rights in Beni Mellal, Morocco

Abdul Raouf Adwan, Writer, Syria

Abdel Salam Adeeb, Human Rights Activist, Morocco

Abdel Fattah Al-Zain, Academic, Morocco

Abdel Fattah Boujla, Attorney at Law at the Supreme Court, Algeria

Abdelkader Boulsabaa, PhD student in Public Law, Tunisia

Abdullah Al-Janahi, Researcher and Critic, Bahrain

Abdelmajid Alaoui, Lawyer, Morocco

Abdelmajid Kabel, unionist and community activist, Morocco

Abdul Nabi Al-Akri, Legal Expert, Bahrain

Abdul Hadi Issa Ramidh, Visual Artist, Syria

Abdul Hadi Kabariti, Lawyer and Human Rights Activist, Jordan

Abdelouahed Boulaich, human rights activist, Morocco

Abdul Wahab Al-Harasi, writer and human rights activist, Yemen

Abdelwahab El Kain, journalist and president of the African Organization for Human Rights Monitoring, Kingdom of Morocco

Abdul Wah
ab Baaj, Syrian lawyer and human rights activist

Abdulrahman Bseiso, writer, poet and cultural critic, Cyprus/Palestine

Abdulrahman Abdullahi Ali, Judge, Somalia

Abdel Rahim Al-Wafi, Legal Expert, Morocco

Abdel Fattah Al-Sadiqi, Journalist, Kingdom of Morocco

Abdullah Ahmed Al-Darazi, Academic and Human Rights Activist, Bahrain

Abdallah Boulrabah, Human Rights Activist, Morocco

Abdullah Hanatleh, Human Rights Activist, Jordan

Abdallah Rabbouli, Director of the Insaf Private Foundation, Morocco

Al-Adabi Mohammed, human rights activist, Morocco

Adi Emil Awad, Member of the Jordanian Communist Party, Jordan

Oraib Al-Rantawi, Director of the Jerusalem Center for Political Studies, Jordan

Essam El Islambouli, Lawyer, Egypt

Issam Al-Saadi, writer and poet, Jordan

Essam Sheha, Lawyer, President of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights, Egypt

Afaf Ghattasha, Director of the Association for the Protection of Female Workers from Violence, Palestine

Ali Shaninat, Poet, Jordan

Ali Qassim Mohammed Ra
bia, Former Member of Parliament, Bahrain

Ali Nasser, activist and translator, Palestinian living in the Czech Republic

Ali Nassar, Film Director, Palestine

Imad Abu Ghazi, Former Minister of Culture, Egypt

Omar Al-Zein, former Secretary General of the Arab Lawyers Union, Lebanon

Omar Taibi, Journalist, Morocco

Omar Chana, community and theatre activist, Morocco

Awat Tayeb, Representative of Zoroastrians in Kurdistan and Iraq, Iraq

Awis Al-Salik, human rights activist, Morocco

Issa Al Marazeeq, Lawyer and Director of Training Department at the National Center for Human Rights, Jordan

Issa Al-Najjar, Independent Researcher in Public Administration, Palestine

Issa Rahmoun, Lawyer and Human Rights Activist, Algeria

Ghada Ibrahim Shalaby, Translation Section Officer, UNESCO Regional Centre for Adult Education, Egypt

Ghada Al-Ashqar, writer and translator, Syria

Ghada Abdel Hadi, President of the Eve Center for Culture and Arts Association, Palestine

Ghazi Fakhri Murad, Member of the Palestinian Nat
ional Council, Palestine

Ghaleb Shaher Al-Sarayrah, Lawyer, Jordan

Ghanem Al-Shahawi, Civil Society Activist, Tunisia

Ghawi Najia, human rights activist at the Moroccan Association for Human Rights, France

Ghassan Baqaei, Head of the Federation of Palestinian Trade Unions, Lebanon Branch, Palestine

Fadi Abbas, President of the Palestinian Bar Association

Farouk Malouki, President of SOS Terrorism Association, Tunisia

Fatima Al-Dabbas, Lawyer and Human Rights Activist, Jordan

Fatima Zahra Touzani, lawyer and human rights activist, Moroccan Freedoms Observatory

Fatima Shehadeh, Human Rights Lawyer, Lebanon

Faiz Abad Al-Hadama, Journalist, Sudan

Fathi Al-Hajj Ali, Writer, Tunisia

Firas Ben Shaaban, Researcher in Public Law, Tunisia

Farid Al-Muqdad, Writer, Syria

Fahmi Shaheen, media figure and member of the Political Bureau of the People’s Party, member of the Palestinian National Council

Fouad Matar, Lawyer, Lebanon

Faisal Oussar, Human Rights Activist, Morocco

Faisal Ali Al Sharif, Lawyer, Lib

Faisal Qafsawi, Research Professor, Morocco

Qassim Muhammad Qasir, journalist, Lebanon

Judge Dr. Abdul Qader Jarada, Head of the Arab Center for Criminal Sciences – Gaza/Palestine

Qusai Shaheen, Political Activist, Jordan

Qusay Abdullah Mahmoud Ibrahim, Professor of Social Sciences, Palestine

Qais Omar Omar, Journalist, Palestine

Karama Ali Faraj, Master’s Lecturer, Palestine

Kreibi Seifeddine, human rights activist and civil society activist, Tunisia

Karima El Hefnawy, Writer, Egypt

Kamalin Shaat, University Advisor, Palestine

Latifa Ajbabdi, Human Rights Activist, Morocco

Latifa Al Iraqi, community activist, Morocco

Latifa Hilali, Human Rights Activist, Morocco

Linda Al-Kalash, Executive Director of Tamkeen Center for Legal Aid and Human Rights, Jordan

Laila Al Ali, Human Rights Activist, Lebanon

Lina Tabbal, University Professor of International Law, France

Majed Hamto, President of the NGOs Association, Lebanon

Magda Rashwan, Lawyer and Human Rights Activist, Egypt

Magda Mahmoud Ibra
him Atoum, short story writer and translator, Jordan

Majda Al-Masry, member of the Political Bureau of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, member of the Palestinian Central Council

Mazen Al Sharif, thinker and writer, Tunisia

Malek Al-Amin, Syrian legal expert and consultant

Malek Adly, Lawyer at the Court of Cassation and the Supreme Constitutional Court, Egypt

Maher Suleiman Odeh, Political Analyst, Palestine

Maher Subaih, Director of Education and Culture Statistics at the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, Palestine

Maya Mustafa Badawi, Journalist, Syria

Mubarak Othmani; Human Rights Activist and President of the Moroccan Human Rights Association, Morocco

Magdy Shandy, Editor-in-Chief of Al-Mashhad Newspaper, Egypt

Majid Rouaibia, lawyer accredited to the Supreme Court and the Council of State, Algeria

Mahasen Al-Imam, Writer and Head of the Arab Women Media Center, Jordan

Muhammad Ahad Al-Tahir, Member of the Arab Writers Union, Syria

Mohamed Akdid, Professor, Human
Rights Activist, Morocco

Mohamed El Idrissi, Poet, Morocco

Mohamed Al-Baribri, Human Rights Activist, Morocco

Mohamed El Hamamsy, poet and journalist, Egypt

Mohamed Khamlichi, President of the Human Rights Center for Memory, Morocco

Mohamed El Khenissi, Civil Society Activist, Tunisia

Mohamed Dahmani, human rights activist, Morocco

Mohamed Saleh Flis, writer and human rights activist/Tunisia

Mohammed Al-Taher, Academic, Jordan

Mohammed Al-Abdullah, Palestinian political writer, Syria

Mohamed El Aouni, journalist and writer, President of the Organization for Freedom of Media and Expression – Hatem, Morocco

Mohamed Al-Ghafri, National Coordinator of the Moroccan Front to Support Palestine and Oppose Normalization, Morocco

Mohamed Al-Qaidi, Doctor of Sharia and Law, Tunisia

Mohamed Al-Loz, retired lawyer, Belgium

Mohamed El Madyouni, Educational Association, Kingdom of Morocco

Mohamed Nouhi, Human Rights Defender, Morocco

Mohammed Barqoun, Lecturer, Palestine

Mohammed Bassam Ahmed Sweidan, Lawye
r, Jordan

Mohamed Bouzkraoui Alaoui, Professor, Morocco

Mohamed Jabouri, human rights activist, Morocco

Mohammed H. Yaqoub, Writer, France, Palestine

Muhammad Hadifi, writer and poet, member of the Arab Writers Union, Syria

Mohammed Hamid, PhD in Economics, Palestinian residing in Syria

Mohammad Khaled Omar, Academic Researcher, Syria

Mohammed Khader Al-Hamdani, writer and playwright, Iraq

Mohammed Khalifa Al Mulla, Intellectual, Kingdom of Bahrain

Mohammad Khouili, President of the Green Party, Lebanon

Mohamed Zendour, human rights and political activist, Morocco

Mohammad Zahdi Saeed, Human Rights Activist, Jordan

Mohamed Saad Abdel Fattah, Human Rights Defender, Egypt

Mohammed Saeed Abu Areeda, Writer and Journalist, Jordan

Mohamed Soliman Farghal, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Future Center for Strategic Studies/Former, Jordan

Muhammad Saleh, Researcher, India

Mohammad Safa, Human Rights Expert, Lebanon

Mohammad Talib Dabous, Associate Professor of Measurement and Eval
uation, Palestine

Mohammed Abdo Al-Zughair, Child Rights Expert, Yemen

Mohamed Arari, Academic Researcher, Tunisia

Muhammad Alloush, Palestinian poet, writer and critic, Palestine

Mohamed Fayyad, Political Writer, Egypt

Mohammed Mahmoud Rababa’a, Lawyer, Jordan

Mohamed Mahmoud Refaat, Lawyer and Head of the National Accord Party, Egypt

Mohammad Naaman Hamdan, human rights activist and pediatrician, Jordan

Mohamed Hajoui, Media, Morocco

Mahmoud Al-Saudi, Media Professional, Syria

Mahmoud Bamia, journalist, Palestinian resident in Tunisia

Mahmoud Rayhan, Legal Administrator, Palestine

Mahmoud Saadeh, Secretary General of the Palestinian Communist Party, Palestine

Mokhtar Ben Redouane, Human Rights Defender, Morocco

Medhat El-Zahid, journalist, head of the Socialist Popular Alliance Party, Egypt

Maram Wajeeh Rahmoun, writer and short story writer, Jordan

Marwan Emil Toubasi, Ambassador, Chairman of the Founding Committee of the National Forum for Solidarity between Peoples, Palestine

Marwan Hamz
a, Human Rights Activist, Syria

Marwan Qawas, Syrian, Head of the Arab Organization for Human Rights in Syria

Marwan Nihad Joda, Media Professional, Palestine

Marigan Shaaban Marigan, Civil Activist, Libya

Counselor Jihad Al-Otaibi, Arab arbitrator and expert in jurisprudence and law, Jordan

Counselor Shadi Al-Qassem, Legal Advisor and Expert in Legislative Drafting and Rule of Law, Palestine

Masoud Allah Moussadad, Secretary General of the Prison Observatory, Morocco

Moad Al-Jahri, Deputy National Coordinator of the Moroccan Front to Support Palestine and Combat Normalization, Morocco

Al-Moatasem Billah Mohammed Al-Hami, Media Professional, Jordan

Moad Al-Hajli, Syrian human rights activist, Syria

Moeen Al-Amatouri, Journalist, Syria

Manal Ahmed Shalbaya, Journalist, Jordan

Manal Tamimi, Human Rights Activist, Palestine

Mona Baazawi, writer and researcher in the field of literature and civilization, Tunisia

Mona Abdel Rady, Journalist, Egypt

Mounir Charfi, President of the National Observatory
for the Defense of the Civil State, Tunisia

Mehdi Rahali, Opinion Writer, Morocco

Muhannad Ghaleb Abu Hamdan, Retired Financial Manager, Lebanon

Musa Hawamdeh, Poet, Jordan

Mayada El-Deebany, Master’s Researcher, Egypt

Mervat Mohammed Abdullah, Educational Supervisor, Iraq

Mais Al-Masry, Human Rights Activist, Palestine

Maysoun Al-Momani, political activist and member of the Communist Party, Jordan

Nasser Atallah, Member of the General Secretariat of the General Union of Palestinian Writers and Authors, Palestine

Nasser Mahna, Human Rights Activist, Syria

Nazem Alloush, poet, Syria

Nabil Dabdoub, Academic, Palestine

Najat Abdel Samad, novelist and physician, Syrian

Najla Hassan, Writer, Jordan

Nagwa Abbas, Member of the Political Bureau of the Socialist Popular Alliance Party, Egypt

Naguib Gouili, playwright, Egypt

Najiba Mohammed Mutahhar, Advisor to the Office of the President of the Republic, Yemen

Nada Tuwair, Head of the Union of Palestinian Women’s Action Committees, Palestine

Nada Mas
oud Anouiji, Human Rights Activist, Libya

Nizar Al-Khaled, Editor-in-Chief of Al-Muntasaf Newspaper and Assistant to the President of the Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity Organization, Egypt

Nahza Alaoui, Lawyer at the Kenitra Bar, Morocco

Nidal Al Salman, Human Rights Activist, Bahrain

Naima Ouahli, human rights activist and defender, Morocco

Nicola Taama, Media Professional, Lebanon

Noha Chaouachi, Professor, Tunisia

Noha Hassan, Human Rights Activist, Bahrain

Nawal Hussein Khalaf, Human Rights Activist, Iraq

Nour Al Rawashdeh, poet and playwright, Jordan

Nourredine Saoudi, writer and translator, human rights activist from Hatem Organization, Morocco

Hala Ahed, Human Rights Activist, Jordan

Ilham Sami Hamad, human rights defender and activist at the Social Aid Society, Palestine

Hani Al-Aswadi, Legal Advisor, Switzerland

Hani Al-Halabi, Researcher and Historian, Lebanon

Hani Suleiman Al-Halabi, writer, media figure and publisher, Lebanon

Hani Hilal, Child Rights Expert, Egypt

Heba Ahmed Baydo
un, Human Rights Activist, Jordan

Hadeel Buqrais, Founder of the Human Rights School in Kuwait, Kuwait

Hisham Ben Freij, Human Rights Activist, Tunisia

Hicham Darfouf, Musician, Morocco

Hesham Younis, writer at Al-Ahram and first deputy of the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate, Egypt

Al-Hashou Ahmed, Academic, Morocco

Hind Yahya, President of a Civil Association, Tunisia

Haitham Al-Hariri, Member of the Political Bureau of the Socialist Popular Alliance Party, Egypt

Wahid Qarmesh, Member of the Political Bureau of the Jordanian Social Democratic Party, Jordan

Wessam El Sherif, CEO, Egyptian Federation for Education Policy and Research, Egypt

Wadah Al-Yaman Khaled Hariri, Political Activist, Yemen

Waddah Salem Muhadeen, Lawyer, Jordan

Wadha Al Saadi, Teacher, Sultanate of Oman

Wafaa Jaafar Nasser, Media Professional, Lebanon

Walaa Hassan, Feminist Activist, Jordan

Walaa Sayel Mohammed Abdel Razek, Researcher, Palestine

Walid Khaliliya, Academic Staff Member, Palestine

Walid Hanidi, Syrian researc

Yasser Bushnak, former human rights and refugee activist, US and Jordan

Yasmine Ben Khemais, Human Rights Activist, Tunisia

Yahya Abu Aboud, President of the Jordanian Bar Association, Jordan

Yahya Al-Wajid, Lawyer, Chairman of the Justice Horizons Foundation for Legal Support, Iraq

Yosra Fraous, Lawyer, Feminist and Anne Klein Award for Democracy and Women’s Rights, Tunisia

Yaqoub Aldubalah, Academic, Yemen

Youssef Abu Al Hassan, Human Rights Activist, Morocco

Yousef Hourani, Writer and Political Activist, Jordan

Yousef Rabie, media figure and member of the Shura Council of the Bahraini Al-Wefaq Society, Bahrain

Youssef Ali Hassan Issa, Researcher in Israeli Studies, Spain

Yousef Ghishan, Journalist, Jordan

Youssef Tanane, theater and visual artist, Morocco.

Younes Kadri, human rights activist, Morocco

Source: Maan News Agency
