
A delegation from Fatah discusses in Cairo stopping the aggression and addressing the issues of those coming from Gaza

The delegation of the Central Committee of the "Fatah" movement, headed by the movement's Vice President Mahmoud Al-Aloul, and members of the Central Committee Azzam Al-Ahmad and Rawhi Fattouh, held a series of meetings, in the Arab Republic of Egypt,...

The delegation of the Central Committee of the “Fatah” movement, headed by the movement’s Vice President Mahmoud Al-Aloul, and members of the Central Committee Azzam Al-Ahmad and Rawhi Fattouh, held a series of meetings, in the Arab Republic of Egypt, to follow up on the conditions of our people coming from Gaza, and to meet the brothers there.

The delegation met with cadres of the Fatah movement in the territory of Egypt, and a number of the movement’s leaders coming from Gaza, in the presence of: former member of the Fatah Central Committee, Brother Sakher Bseiso, the Ambassador of the State of Palestine to the Arab Republic of Egypt, Diab Al-Louh, former ministers, and a number of Gazans present in Egypt, This is in the movement’s office in Cairo.

The meeting was opened by the Secretary of the Fatah region in Egypt, Muhammad Gharib, who appreciated the visit of the brothers in the Central Committee, which comes as an extension of a previous visit, to follow up on the affairs of our people coming from Gaz

He thanked and appreciated His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian leadership and government for the effort they are making, with the aim of facilitating the lives of our people in Egypt, the Egyptian leadership, and the government and people of great Egypt.

For his part, Al-Aloul reviewed the positions and efforts made by the Palestinian leadership at all levels, and the meetings that take place in order to stop the aggression and genocidal war against our people, in extremely delicate circumstances that our cause and the region are going through, and to continue efforts for Palestinian reunification.

He stressed the importance of directing all efforts for the benefit of our people and the future of our just cause, praising the support and assistance that sister Egypt provides to our people and our cause and its hosting of our families and wounded, and providing all assistance to them.

Members of the Central Committee answered the questions raised by the attendees.

While Ambassador Al
-Louh reviewed the current situation of our people coming from the Gaza Strip.

Source: Maan News Agency
