The Levant Writers Forum holds the ‘Monthly Forum Meeting’

Within the activities of the “Sham Writers Forum in Palestine” Association, registered and licensed by the Palestinian Ministries of Interior and Culture, and based on a prior decision by the Association’s Board of Directors in this regard, and in the context of commemorating the fifth anniversary of the founding of the “Sham Writers Forum” group, which falls on July 2, the first meeting was held in Bethlehem on Tuesday 2/7/2024 within the new cultural program approved by the Association under the name “Monthly Forum Meeting.”

It is worth noting that this program, which is launched under the slogan ‘Those Who Attended,’ was created to create a mechanism for direct communication between the members of the forum and its followers to discuss cultural, literary, and creative issues, with a focus on the type of attendees from intellectuals and those interested in cultural affairs.

The first meeting, mentioned above, was held on Tuesday afternoon at the Nirvana Restaurant in Bethlehem, near the university, and wa
s attended by poet Muhammad Shraim, writer Mike Salman, poet Muhammad Shahada, novelist Fawzi Najajreh, writer Jamil Al-Hussani, and poet Jarar Gharib.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the ‘Sham Writers Forum in Palestine’ Association, poet Muhammad Shraim, began the meeting by welcoming the attendees and explaining the purpose of approving the ‘Monthly Forum Meeting’ program and its working mechanism.

Then the poet Shraim, who moderated the meeting, began inviting the writers to present their creative texts, each of which was the subject of a meaningful dialogue after the author of the text finished reading it.

In this meeting, the novelist Fawzi Najajra read two texts, one of which was a thought entitled: ‘The Cowgirl,’ and the other was a satirical story entitled ‘The Employment Committee.’

Then the writer Muhammad Shahada read two memoirs, one entitled ‘The Levant’ and the other entitled ‘Haifa.’

As for the writer Jamil Al-Hussani, he read two memoirs, the first entitled: ‘I supported the wa
r twice’ and the second entitled: ‘The poets.’

The poet Jarar Gharib read his classical poem ‘Yes, We Will Return,’ which is in opposition to one of the poems by the poet Abdul Karim Al-Karmi, ‘Abu Salma.’

He was followed by poet and writer Mike Salman, who read a poem entitled ‘The Land of Terror is My Homeland’ and a thought entitled ‘Between a Humble Sage and an Ignorant Narcissist.’

At the end of the meeting, the poet Mohammed Shraim recited his classical poem ‘O Master of Writers.’

Source: Maan News Agency

Al-Quds University Medical Laboratory Sciences Graduates Qualify for American Board Exam

The Medical Laboratory Sciences Program at Al-Quds University has obtained academic accreditation from the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS), which is the internationally recognized body for evaluating and accrediting academic and scientific programs of universities in the field of medical analysis and laboratories in the United States of America.

Following this achievement, the first batch of the Medical Laboratory Sciences Program was accepted to sit for the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Board Examination in Medical Laboratory Sciences.

The President of the University, Prof. Imad Abu Kishk, congratulated this step, saying, ‘We express our great happiness with this distinguished achievement, which represents an international certificate of the quality of the Medical Laboratory Sciences Program at Al-Quds University. This achievement is the result of strenuous efforts by the faculty members and the university administration, and the constant keenness to d
evelop academic programs to meet the needs of the local and global labor market.’

Al-Quds University is the second university in the Middle East to obtain academic accreditation from the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS) in the United States, and Palestine is the third country in the world outside the United States of America to host a program that has obtained this prestigious accreditation.

This accreditation and acceptance comes within the intensive efforts made by Al-Quds University under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Imad Abu Kishk to ensure quality in all aspects of its work, and its firm commitment to providing high-quality higher education that is in line with the best international practices in the field of medical laboratory sciences and confirms the competence of faculty members and the advanced structure of the study program, which qualifies students to work in various medical fields related to analysis and laboratories.

The Medical Laboratory Sciences program
at Al-Quds University is comparable to similar programs in America, and is considered to be of the same scientific strength. Al-Quds University and the College of Health Professions are also a major source of globally qualified cadres in the field of Medical Laboratory Sciences, especially with its ability to accommodate the largest number of students, even compared to American universities.

It is noteworthy that obtaining the American Board in Medical Laboratories provides university graduates with a global career horizon that enables them to rise to the highest positions in the field of health and medical sciences, which opens the way for graduates of the program to obtain better and more competitive job opportunities in various medical fields related to analysis and laboratories, and the possibility of completing postgraduate studies at internationally recognized universities. The board exam is also a requirement for work in the field of medical laboratory sciences in many US states, and it is a vital ste
p for students who aspire to enter the field of medicine to pursue pre-medical education.

Source: Maan News Agency

Settlers attack “Khallet Al-Dabaa”

Groups of settlers attacked the homes of citizens in Khallet al-Daba’ in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron, tonight, and set fire to agricultural crops.

The coordinator of the Protection and Steadfastness Committees in the southern Hebron Mountains, Fouad Al-Amur, reported that armed groups of settlers attacked the Civil Defense fire truck that arrived at the scene to extinguish the fire, and caused damage to it.

He added that an ambulance belonging to the Palestinian Red Crescent arrived at the scene to evacuate more than 3 injured citizens who sustained injuries and bruises as a result of the settlers’ attack on them.

Source: Maan News Agency

Borrell: EU will not recognize changes to 1967 borders

The European Union’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, condemned the Israeli occupation government’s legalization of five colonial outposts and the announcement of thousands of new colonial units in the occupied West Bank.

“The European Union condemns the so-called legalization of five Israeli settlement outposts and the announcement of thousands of new settlement units in the occupied West Bank,” Borrell said in a statement on Thursday.

He added: “The European Union also strongly condemns the continued policies of dispossession implemented by the current Israeli government in the occupied West Bank.”

“The ongoing efforts to establish facts on the ground that could lead to de facto annexation” of the West Bank must stop, he continued.

Borrell stressed that “Israel’s policy of building settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories constitutes a serious violation of international law, exacerbates tensions, and undermines efforts to achieve a two-state solution,” calling on Israel to reverse these d

‘In line with its long-standing common position and UN Security Council resolutions, the EU will not recognise changes to the 1967 borders unless agreed by both parties,’ Borrell said.

“As its leaders expressed at the European Council last week, the EU recalls its support for the Palestinian National Authority and stresses that actions that weaken the Authority must stop,” he added.

The European Union noted the transfer of part of the Palestinian tax revenues (clearance) to the Palestinian Authority, and the short-term renewal of the compensation agreement that allows correspondent relations between Palestinian and Israeli banks and links the West Bank to the global financial system, but insists that the clearance funds must be transferred to the Palestinian Authority, in accordance with the Paris Protocol, in a timely manner, in full and without unjustified deductions .

He continued: “The European Union reiterates its firm commitment to a lasting and sustainable peace based on the two-state sol
ution, where the State of Israel and an independent, democratic, contiguous, sovereign and viable State of Palestine live side by side in peace, security and mutual recognition.”

Source: Maan News Agency

US official discusses in Paris restoring calm in the Middle East

A White House official said that Amos Hochstein, a senior adviser to US President Joe Biden, met with French officials on Wednesday and discussed with them French and American efforts to restore calm in the Middle East.

“France and the United States share the goal of resolving the current conflict across the Blue Line through diplomatic means, allowing Israeli and Lebanese civilians to return to their homes with long-term guarantees of safety and security,” the official added, referring to the dividing line between Lebanon and Israel.

Source: Maan News Agency

Martyr in Israeli drone attack on house in Houla

A Lebanese man was martyred on Thursday after an Israeli drone targeted a house in Houla, southern Lebanon.

The Israeli warplanes launched two air strikes targeting the towns of Ramyeh and Houla in southern Lebanon.

It also targeted the outskirts of the town of Adaisseh, while the Israeli army carried out an air strike on Aitaroun.

Israeli warplanes broke the sound barrier over the capital Beirut and the Sidon area.

Source: Maan News Agency