CSPD accepts 13,307 personal objections to preliminary voter lists

Amman: The Independent Election Commission (IEC) said that the Civil Status and Passports Department (CSPD) accepted 13,307 objections out of 13,949 personal objections to the preliminary voter lists.

In a statement on Saturday, the IEC said that the CSPD rejected 642 applications that didn’t meet the terms and conditions of the instructions in force, noting that the period for judicial appeals on the decisions begins on Sunday.

The IEC confirmed that it will publish all CSPD’s decisions regarding personal objections to the voter lists on its website (www.iec.jo) on Saturday evening to ensure they are available to the public.

It stated that the preliminary voter lists were amended based on the CSPD’s decisions, which were available in its offices after the end of the official working hours on Saturday.

Source: Jordan News Agency

Iran’s presidential election heads to runoff

Amman: Iran heads to a runoff presidential election after neither of the two main candidates failed to garner more than 50 percent of the votes, according to preliminary results.

After a ballot with a 40 percent turnout, one of the lowest in the country’s history, lawmaker Masoud Pezeshkian and former nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili, who received the most votes, will face off in a second round on July 5, according to the election committee.

Pezeshkian led with 42.5% of the votes, followed by Jalili with 38.6%, according to the state news agency IRNA.

Source: Jordan News Agency

Palestinian NGOs urge protection of disabled people in Gaza

Gaza: Palestinian non-governmental organizations Saturday called for providing urgent protection to persons with disabilities and aid and assistive devices to rehabilitation centers in the Gaza Strip to respond to their needs.

The war on Gaza has raised disabilities as Israeli occupation forces block the entry of assistive devices and medical supplies, and prevent the injured from travel for treatment after the destruction of the health infrastructure and most of health facilities and rehabilitation centers, the NGOs said in a statement.

The Israeli actions are a stark violation of international agreements on the protection of civilians, including Article 11 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), which calls for promoting respect for their inherent dignity, the statement said.

It said hundreds of people with disabilities were killed and thousands injured in the Israeli aggression, and 10,000 were injured with varying disabilities, in addition to the displacement
of tens of thousands of people with disabilities who were living in difficult conditions and suffered trauma.

The organizations said Israel’s destruction of infrastructure, roads and rehabilitation centers limited the disabled people’s access to services and their mobility to evacuate, and threatened their lives.

Source: Jordan News Agency

Drug smuggler injured in clash with security force in Ruwaished

Amman: A special security force Saturday raided the hideout of “one of the most dangerous” drug smugglers in Ruwaished district, who was arrested along with two accomplices, the media spokesman of the Public Security Directorate said,

As police moved in, the major suspect began shooting from an automatic weapon on members of the force, who applied the rules of engagement, injuring him in the foot and neutralizing him. He was transferred to a local hospital and two other suspects were also arrested, he said.

The spokesman said 125 bags of hashish, 53,000 narcotic pills, a quantity of the crystal meth, and three firearms, two automatic, were seized, adding that an investigation was underway.

Source: Jordan News Agency

2.7mln women undergo tests as part of Mother and Fetus health initiative

Some 2,700,000 women have been screened as part of Mother and Fetus health initiative since it was launched in March, 2020, announced the Health and Population Ministry on Saturday 29/6/2024.

The initiative mainly aims to diagnose diseases transmitted from mothers to fetuses at an early stage and provide free treatment and medical care for those that require it, said Health Ministry Spokesman Hossam Abdel Ghaffar.

The initiative also focuses on the early diagnosis of Hepatitis B Virus, HIV, and syphilis infections among pregnant women and on reducing the rate of maternal mortality from these diseases, added the spokesman.

Source: State Information Service Egypt

Upcoming elections will be test for political parties, IEC chief says

Amman: Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) Musa Maaytah, said that the upcoming elections will be the first test for political parties in the Kingdom following the modernization of the political work system.

This is an opportunity for the citizen to learn about the effectiveness of the party he joined based on the amount of votes he casts in favor of it, Maaytah said Saturday in a lecture at the Greater Amman Municipality’s Department of Cultural Facilities and Programs.

In the lecture, which covered challenges and hopes in upcoming parliamentary elections, Maaytah said that the main role of the parties is to contribute and participate in the elections and not to launch slogans and propaganda statements, and that the goal of these laws is to move from individual to collective work under the parliamentary dome, and this can only be achieved with the participation of political parties.

He added that the new election law has been constitutionally fortified, as i
ts amendment needs the votes of two-thirds of the members of the Lower House of Parliament, which is approximately 89 votes from the total number of members, because they are important laws with sovereignty and need consensus from all components of society, and we hope that it has a positive role, stressing the IEC’s commitment to laws and regulations, preserving them and preventing any violation of them.

He pointed out that the IEC has carried out all procedures completely, and announced the election schedule officially, and all information is available on the IEC’s website, indicating that today the preliminary schedules, objections against third parties and personal objections have been finalized, and during this week the appeal regulations will be submitted to the judiciary, after which the final electoral schedules will be presented.

He pointed out that voters were enabled to change the polling station in the same district electronically, in addition to that a Christian and Circassian can change his di
strict electronically from a district in which there is no Christian or Circassian seat to another district in which there is a Christian or Circassian seat.

Maaytah said that the number of voters before the announcement of the lists amounted to about 5.1 million voters, where the percentage of females reached 52 percent, and the number of polling station changers reached about 16,800 voters, and the number of main committees in the elections reached 19 committees, in addition to the general constituency, indicating that they were selected objectively after conducting tests and interviews within certain principles and criteria, and the number of polling staions reached about 1600 centers and the number of workers is about 40 thousand, and a quality officer position was introduced and his task is to detect errors in counting, collection and auditing.

He added that during the past three weeks, the center received nearly 5,000 inquiry calls and nearly 520,000 hits on the website to view the electoral polling s

Source: Jordan News Agency