Fortrea Launches AI Innovation Studio to Galvanize Technology and Human Solutions to Improve Clinical Trial Delivery

DURHAM, N.C., June 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE), a leading global contract research organization (CRO), today announced the launch of its artificial intelligence (AI) Innovation Studio, signaling a strategic investment in reshaping the execution of clinical trials today and into the future.

The studio will develop and deploy AI and machine learning (ML) technologies to drive speed, agility, quality and enhanced patient safety in the clinical research process by equipping and empowering people to focus on the critical human element of clinical trials.

“Patients around the world are waiting for novel, life-changing treatments. With AI, we now have the power—and the obligation—to help deliver solutions to them faster,” said Fortrea’s Chief Information Officer Alejandro Martinez Galindo.

“Fortrea’s AI Innovation Studio will enable enhanced technological capabilities that will allow AI-enabled systems to perform cutting-edge processes—such as trial simulations, predictive analytics and pattern recognition—as well as repetitive, administrative, ‘machine-friendly tasks’. This frees up people to contribute human creativity and connection to the clinical trial of tomorrow and focus on what counts: the patient.”

Fortrea’s AI Innovation Studio aims to:

  • Partner across Fortrea and with our customers to provide technology solutions for bespoke site and sponsor innovation strategies;
  • Develop net new, greenfield technology innovations that holistically improve the delivery of clinical trials for sponsors, sites, patients and our teams; and
  • Support existing infrastructure and operations with enhanced technology to enable new, improved ways of working and create best-in-class user experiences.

Technologies under development in the studio include smartphone-enabled data collection; specialized large language models for text comprehension and generation; symbolic AI with real-valued logic (i.e., building decision logic using real-world scenarios and data); mixed reality and augmented intelligence; advanced data mining and predictive analytics; and digital twinning.

Strategic application of these technologies is expected to result in meaningful advancements in patient recruitment and retention, protocol creation/optimization, risk-based quality monitoring and overall delivery speed and quality. These technologies can also deliver an improved patient experience and greater productivity for Fortrea customers, sites and employees.

Developments from the AI Innovation Studio will be critical to Fortrea’s clinical technology platform, which is being designed to integrate clinical trial technology into a consumer-grade, location-agnostic, omni-channel, persona-based experience accessible thorough a single screen.

“Fortrea is focused on a future vision of the CRO industry, allowing us to build TO the future rather than FROM the past,” said Brian Dolan, Vice President of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning. “We are exercising great care and consideration to the responsible and ethical development and deployment of AI, prioritizing doing the right thing for the right reasons and protecting patient safety and privacy, and the intellectual property of our customers.”

About Fortrea
Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) is a leading global provider of clinical development solutions to the life sciences industry. We partner with emerging and large biopharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and diagnostic companies to drive healthcare innovation that accelerates life-changing therapies to patients. Fortrea provides phase I-IV clinical trial management, clinical pharmacology and consulting services. Fortrea’s solutions leverage three decades of experience spanning more than 20 therapeutic areas, a passion for scientific rigor, exceptional insights and a strong investigator site network. Our talented and diverse team working in more than 90 countries is scaled to deliver focused and agile solutions to customers globally. Learn more about how Fortrea is becoming a transformative force from pipeline to patient at and follow us on LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter).

Fortrea Contacts:
Hima Inguva (Investors) – 877-495-0816, [email protected]
Jennifer Minx (Media) – 919-410-4195, [email protected]
Kate Dillon (Media) – 646-818-9115, [email protected]

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Two civilians were martyred and one military personnel was injured in Israeli missile aggression that targeted some points in the southern region.

‘At approximately 11:40 p.m. on Wednesday evening, the Israeli enemy carried out an aerial aggression from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting a number of points in the southern region, our air defense systems intercepted the missiles and shot down a number of them.,’ a military source said in a statement to SANA.

The source added: ‘The Israeli aggression resulted in the martyrdom of two civilians and the injury one military personnel and some material losses.’

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

HM the King Congratulates Djibouti’s President on Independence Day

Rabat – His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a message of congratulations to the President of the Republic of Djibouti, Ismaël Omar Guelleh, on his country’s Independence Day.

In this message, the Sovereign expresses His warm congratulations and His best wishes for health and happiness to Guelleh and progress and prosperity to the Djiboutian people.

On this occasion, His Majesty the King reaffirms His pride in the bonds of brotherhood between the two Heads of State and the two countries, stressing His firm determination to continue working with the Djiboutian President to promote bilateral cooperation and raise it to the highest level for the two brotherly peoples and in the service of the African continent.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Al-Tamimi meets with the head of the Financial and Administrative Control Bureau to discuss cooperation

Ramallah – Together – Counselor Alaa Al-Tamimi, Head of the Land Authority, received in his office in the city of Al-Bireh, today, Thursday, Amal Faraj, Head of the Financial and Administrative Control Bureau, and her accompanying delegation, to discuss aspects of cooperation between the two institutions.

During the meeting, Al-Tamimi praised the importance of the Audit Bureau’s oversight role in achieving the best ways to provide services, through monitoring internal audit institutions and departments, and thus taking into account the observations resulting from audit work as feedback to the state’s institutions.

Al-Tamimi stressed the importance of enhancing the concept of transparency and integrity in government work, emphasizing the importance of audit units within state institutions, and the necessity of their harmony and interconnection with the Financial and Administrative Audit Bureau.

For her part, Faraj stressed the status of the Land Authority and the extent of the importance it enjoys, especial
ly in Palestine, among all parties in the state, and this stems from the importance and nature of its work related to land and its preservation, both in preserving the rights of citizens on the one hand, and in confronting the crimes of the occupation and its settlers against Palestine. And its land on the other hand.

Faraj indicated that this visit comes within the framework of raising the level of cooperation between state institutions, and that the Bureau is working to maintain the foundations of oversight over all institutions in accordance with what the laws and regulations have drawn up, in addition to the Bureau’s intention to electronically link in the next stage with the internal control units within state institutions. This is to ensure speedy follow-up and facilitate oversight operations between the Bureau and the oversight units.

Before the end of the meeting, Faraj praised the cooperation between the Land Authority and the Financial and Administrative Control Bureau in order to achieve the comm
on goals and vision between the two institutions.

Source: Maan News Agency

Al-Istiqlal hosts the Defenders Initiative for the best legal advocacy on genocide

Jericho – Ma’an – On Wednesday, Al-Istiqlal University hosted the Defenders Initiative – the best legal pleading by Palestinian law students before the International Court of Justice regarding the crime of genocide, as part of its contribution to the process of change, achieving justice, simulating the Palestinian humanitarian situation, and enhancing the capabilities of youth.

The event was held with the participation of 5 teams from the law faculties of the following Palestinian universities (Al-Quds, An-Najah National, Hebron, Arab American, Istiqlal, Birzeit, Modern College, Palestine Ahliya), in partnership with Sharek Youth Forum, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the United Nations Population Fund.

The event was attended by the Governor of Jericho and the Jordan Valley, Dr. Hussein Hamayel, and the Vice President of the University for Academic Affairs and Scientific Research, Dr. Nayef Jarad, the military Brigadier General Zaher Sabah, and the administrative and financial Dr. Ali Ayida, and Assist
ant to the President for Media, Public and International Relations, Dr. Iyad Masoud, Executive Director of Sharek Forum Dr. Badr Zamaara, and Dean of the College of Law, Dr. Issam Al-Atrash, faculty members, and Dr. Khairiya Yahya, Dean of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dean of the Faculty of Law at An-Najah University, Dr. Nour Adas and representatives of law faculties in Palestinian universities.

During the opening session, Dr. Jarad welcomed the attendees to the “Independence” hall, conveying the greetings of the University President, His Excellency Prof. Dr. Nour Abu Al-Rub, and emphasizing the importance of this work and the momentum of the event and its weight at the local and international levels, which coincided with the cases raised by the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court? As well as with the participation of the university and a number of Palestinian jurists in the work of the “World Court for Palestine”, which was held in Geneva with the participation
of experts, judges and jurists from 45 countries, and in which complaints and lawsuits were raised and working papers were presented on apartheid and racial segregation and the various crimes committed and committed by the Israeli colonial settler, occupation and apartheid authority against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the rest of the occupied State of Palestine.

Jarad explained that the salvation of the Palestinian people and the attempts to ethnically cleanse them and expel them from their homeland was and still is a dream of the Zionist movement, but this matter was thwarted by the struggles of the Palestinian people and their steadfastness on their homeland, and that our people today are still clinging to their land and rejecting all attempts at forced displacement, and that thwarting the plans of the extremist religious Israeli right requires today more than ever to strengthen our steadfastness and presence on the ground and our national unity, and to integrate the use of all forms of legitimate s
truggle and invest in the awakening of the popular human conscience and restore consideration to the Palestinian cause and support the Palestinian right on the international level to prosecute Israeli war criminals and impose international binding mechanisms for right and justice in Palestine in order to seize our right to return and self-determination and establish an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Jarad concluded his speech by praising the supervisors’ efforts to guide and develop the students’ cognitive skills and skill, good presentation and simulation of various roles in court, hoping that their pleadings would be crowned with success, good fortune and distinction.

For his part, Dr. Hussein Hamayel praised this wonderful academic student work, and the shedding of light on this important and serious issue by Palestinian universities, and the importance of extracurricular activities in filling the information gap that may not be covered by books on school benches, and enhancing legal aw
areness among the youth.

His Excellency the Governor added, “We are faced with an elite group of students that we are proud of to the whole world, and a productive educational system despite the difficult circumstances we are going through. The Palestinian is still creative in all forums and fields,” conveying the greetings of His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas.

In order to spread hope and instill high morale, Hamayel addressed his message to the students: ‘Commit to your work and move in the right direction, far from incitement, stirring up strife, and selling illusions. Carry the national burden and concern without underestimating any effort you make, even if it is represented by an electronic publication that embodies the extent of the pain and suffering that the Palestinians are experiencing, or shows the extent of your success and challenge to reality, as its echo may resonate in the ears and eyes of the world, and you may even stand one day in the International Court of Justice. Therefore, struggl
e for your dreams and ambitions, and your goal will be achieved.’

Dr. expressed. Zamra expressed his happiness with this great scientific edifice, pointing to the strategic partnership that brings together the two sides in qualitative and youth events and activities that fall within the framework of national action and serving the public good, most notably the establishment of a moot court within the College of Law that provides pivotal sessions and discussions. This initiative came as a result of intensive professional and diplomatic training on Over the course of 30 days, the pleadings will be subject to a jury consisting of 7 members as a new experience of its kind for the participants. ‘We are witnessing a group of young people with a strong style, sober language and passion that competes with the world’s legal experts, and we can fight with them in the coming battle, as they today represent the voice of truth in ‘In light of the horrific, tragic humanitarian conditions that the Strip is witnessing due t
o the Israeli war machine.’

Zamaara touched on the official efforts represented by the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Hague Court during the invitation submitted by South Africa to prosecute Israel, through documents and evidence that prove the validity of the crimes committed by the Israeli army in its escalating aggression on Gaza.

The speech of the participating students was given by student Sally Jabouri from ‘Arab American’, noting the launch of the Defenders Program out of belief in the importance of legal work to support our cause and correct the common concept about the futility of the International Court of Justice, saying, ‘Today we carry the file of genocide, and no right is lost when there is a claimant behind it, even after 100 years. This stems from a sense of individual responsibility and an attempt to raise the voice of the people of Gaza and support them in all possible ways in the face of the feeling of helplessness and negligence and standing before a deaf and ignorant wor
ld. It is a great honor to plead to represent them amid the crimes they are exposed to in violation of international law.’

The opening also included an explanatory video showing the project stages and the expected benefits it achieved for the students, including preparing pleadings and how to formulate them, learning about the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, and reviewing the experiences and expertise of knowledgeable figures in this regard.

The second session, which was held inside the moot court building of Al-Istiqlal University, included the pleadings of the five teams (Rafah, Shuja’iyya, Gaza, Jabalia, Khan Yunis).

At the end of the arguments, the panel of judges and arbitrators, consisting of Dr. Najah Al-Daqmaq as president, and Dr. Muhammad Shtayyeh, Dr. Badr Zamaara, Dr. Muhammad Jaradat, Dr. Fadi Shedid, Dr. Mahmoud Alawneh, and Dr. Hossam Shalalda as members, deliberated and took a decision that the Gaza team won as the best legal case. Simulates the humanitarian situation in

At the end, the committee announced that the Gaza team won first place within the criteria of: quality of presentation and presentation, correct legal language, use of facts and events, and diversity of arguments and judicial precedents. The team included 6 students as follows: Fatima Jarar – Arab American University, Rahaf Abdullah – An-Najah National University, Amir Al-Jaradat – Al-Istiqlal University, Muniyatallah Manasra – Hebron University, Sara Abu Ghosh – Birzeit University, Aya Haddad – Al-Quds University Abu Dis.

Source: Maan News Agency

Minister of Agriculture inspects the agricultural sector in Qalqilya

Qalqilya – Together – The Minister of Agriculture, Professor Rizq Salimiya, visited Qalqilya Governorate at the head of a large delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture, as part of the government’s endeavor to communicate with the governorates and meet permanently with farmers and provide support and support to them wherever they are, and under the directives of Prime Minister Dr. Muhammad Mustafa.

The delegation included the Undersecretary of the Ministry, the Assistant Undersecretary of the Technical Sector, the Director General of Public Relations, the Director of the Minister’s Office, and the Director Generals of the Directorates of Agriculture in all governorates.

Salimiya began his visit by meeting with Qalqilya Governor, Major General Hussam Abu Hamdeh, and a number of the governorate’s dignitaries.

The Minister briefed the audience on the government’s directions towards the development of the agricultural sector and the government’s growth and development plans, especially with regard to the ag
ricultural sector through a number of projects and interventions, the most important of which is the multi-donor business project (MAP 2) and the Tarabut project and the expansion of this project through a second phase of the project that will be launched soon. And a number of other projects implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture with its partners.

Then he met with the general managers of the agricultural directorates, to listen to a detailed report on the achievements of the Ministry of Agriculture in Qalqilya Governorate and exchange ideas towards developing the work of the Ministry and benefiting from the experience of Qalqilya Agriculture in implementing projects, targeting farmers and the results achieved.

Minister Salimiyeh also had a meeting with all the municipalities and local bodies in the governorate house, where he listened to the demands of the local bodies, which were summarized in developing the infrastructure for water, land, agricultural roads, and issues of marketing, extension and pre
vention. The Minister stressed that the Ministry of Agriculture will work to meet the demands that were put forward according to the ministry’s capabilities and availability. The necessary budgets, stressing that the Jordanian Palestinian Agricultural Products Marketing Company will have contributions this year to marketing agricultural products in the governorate.

Minister Salimiyeh, Governor Abu Hamda, and the delegation accompanying them concluded the visit with a tour of the lands located behind the wall, where they visited a number of project sites implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and its partners, the most important of which is the Tarabut project. A number of model and pilot farms were also visited, the most important of which are early fig, guava, and mango farms. Avocado, lychee…and others, some of which the Ministry of Agriculture played a major role in developing.

It is noteworthy that the Minister of Agriculture met in the morning with the staff of the Agriculture Directorate and lis
tened to their needs that would help them carry out their duties in the best possible way, stressing to everyone his tireless efforts to improve the conditions of employees and provide everything necessary to develop their performance.

Source: Maan News Agency