Morocco’s Lower House Delegation Participates in Women Parliamentarians Global Conference

Rabat – A delegation from the House of Representatives is taking part on June 26-27 in Doha, in the Global Conference of Women Parliamentarians, themed ‘The Role of Women Parliamentarians in the Development, Implementation, and Oversight of Counter-Terrorism and Prevention of Violent Extremism Legislation, Policies, and Strategies.’

The delegation, made up of Nadia Touhami and Nadia Bouzandoufa, respectively Deputy Speaker and Secretary of the House of Representatives, will hold bilateral talks with the delegations taking part in this Conference, with a view to strengthening cooperation, bringing points of view closer together and giving fresh impetus to relations between the Chamber of Representatives and the legislative institutions of the said delegations, according to the Lower House.

The Conference agenda includes several sessions focusing on “the role of parliamentarians in the fight against terrorism and the prevention and countering of violent extremism,’ “gender mainstreaming in the fight against t
errorism and the prevention and countering of violent extremism” and “women’s participation and leadership in the fight against terrorism and the prevention and countering of violent extremism”, the same source added in a press release.

Organized in cooperation between the Shura Council of Qatar and the UN Counter-Terrorism Office in Doha, the conference will produce important conclusions and recommendations concerning the role that women parliamentarians can play in the fight against terrorism and the prevention of violent extremism.

Source:Agence Marocaine De Presse

Morocco, Germany Set to Strengthen Security Cooperation

Rabat – Director General of National Security (DGSN) and Territorial Surveillance (DGST), Mr. Abdellatif Hammouchi, paid a working visit to the Federal Republic of Germany on June 24-26, during which he held talks with officials from the German Federal Police (Bundespolizei) and the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), on the means to strengthen bilateral security cooperation.

During the visit, which took place at the official invitation of the German side, Mr. Hammouchi held working sessions with President of Bundespolizei, Dieter Romann, BKA Head, Holger Mnch, as well as other German security officials specializing in counter-terrorism and sports security, DGSN-DGST hub said in a press release.

Discussions focused in particular on ways of strengthening bilateral cooperation, notably in the fight against terrorism and organized cross-border crime, as well as the security of major sporting events, the same source added.

Mr. Hammouchi and his German peers also reviewed the state of their police cooperation
, as well as regional and international security challenges.

The DGSN-DGST Director General and the accompanying delegation visited the German Joint Counter-Terrorism Centre in Berlin, during which they were briefed on the working mechanisms of this facility in terms of coordination between the various German security apparatuses, and the prospects for cooperation with the Moroccan security services in the fight against the risks of the terrorist threat in its cross-border dimension.

The visit was also an opportunity to examine opportunities for cooperation between Morocco and Germany in the field of sports security, and mechanisms for exchanging expertise and technical assistance between the two parties in securing major events, the press release added.

On this occasion, Mr. Hammouchi was briefed on the security arrangements and safety and protection standards adopted by Berlin police to secure the UEFA Cup, currently organized by the Federal Republic of Germany.

To strengthen cooperation in this area, a
high-level Moroccan security delegation led by Mr. Hammouchi paid a field visit with BKA Head to the facilities and equipment at Berlin’s Olympic Stadium, which is hosting Euro 2024 games, as well as to the police operations management center, which oversees safety and security protocols during the soccer event.

This visit is part of the advanced preparations of Moroccan security services to host global and continental sporting and security events, starting with the 93rd Interpol General Assembly, scheduled for next year in Marrakech, followed by the 2025 African Cup of Nations and finally the 2030 World Cup, to be organized jointly with Spain and Portugal.

This official visit testifies to the importance of bilateral security cooperation between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Federal Republic of Germany, given the many security areas of common interest, and reflects the firm commitment of DGSN and DGST to international efforts to neutralize risks and threats to the regional and international security of bot
h countries, the press release concluded.

Source:Agence Marocaine De Presse

Morocco’s Lower House Speaker Receives Head of French Accounts Court

Rabat – Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rachid Talbi El Alami, received, here Wednesday, the First President of the French Court of Accounts, Pierre Moscovici, on a working visit to Morocco.

During this meeting, Rachid Talbi El Alami gave an overview of the institutional reforms conducted by Morocco, in addition to the development projects it has implemented under the enlightened leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and shed light on the Moroccan parliamentary experience in light of the 2011 Constitution, the Lower House said in a press release.

This meeting was an opportunity to exchange views on several questions of mutual concern, the press release added.

Moscovici’s working visit is part of his participation in the meeting of the members of the Forum of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) with jurisdictional functions, organized by the Court of Accounts on Tuesday in Casablanca.

Source:Agence Marocaine De Presse

2024 Bac Exam245,881 Candidates Pass Ordinary Session

Rabat – 245,881 candidates in public and private schools passed the ordinary session of the national 2024 Baccalaureate exam, representing a pass rate of 67.8%, the Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports announced on Wednesday.

The pass rate for the June session surged by 8%, with the number of graduates remaining stable compared to the 2023 session, which recorded a rate of 59.8% (245,295 students), according to the ordinary session’s results announced by the Ministry after completing deliberations in all regional academies.

The pass rate for girls reached 72% among all candidates, while boys achieved a pass rate of 62.6%.

In total, 362,848 candidates took this session’s exam, with an attendance rate of 97.4%, while 410,273 candidates took last year’s session, with an attendance rate of 96.3%. The number of free candidates was 74,556, with an attendance rate of 61.8%, of whom 29,440 passed the exam, with a success rate of 39.5%.

A total of 148,362 enrolled and free candidates (54% of all su
ccessful candidates) earned a distinction.

Pass rates for international Baccalaureate and professional Baccalaureate branches are 70.7% and 64.2% respectively.

As for candidates with disabilities, 1,024 passed, with a success rate of 75.7%.

This year’s Baccalaureate exams were marked by several new important approaches, notably the establishment of an integrated system for the secure transfer of examination subjects to academies, as well as the adoption of a phygital traceability solution for candidate copies, ensuring the security of copies correction relating operations before anonymity is lifted. The Ministry also continues to produce the secure digital version of Baccalaureate diploma “phygital bac,” along with academic transcripts.

All candidates will be receiving the digital version of their Baccalaureate diplomas on the same day and can obtain the physical version starting from June 27. They also received their results via SMS and via their electronic inbox on

Furthermore, 147,317 candi
dates will take re-take tests, on July 10, 11, 12 and 13, while the results will be announced on July 19.

Source:Agence Marocaine De Presse

HM the King Congratulates President of Madagascar on National Day

Rabat – His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a congratulatory message to the President of the Republic of Madagascar, Andry Nirina Rajoelina, on the occasion of his country’s national day.

In this message, HM the King expresses His sincere congratulations to President Andry Nirina Rajoelina and His best wishes of happiness and prosperity for the Malagasy people.

“Thanks to our joint action, I am convinced that our two countries will be able to consolidate their bilateral cooperation and further enrich their historic ties of fraternity and solidarity,’ the Sovereign underlines in His message.

In this regard, HM the King affirms His willingness to work with the President of the Republic of Madagascar to promote an “ever-stronger” Moroccan-Malagasy friendship and “an even more united and prosperous Africa.’

Source:Agence Marocaine De Presse

Moroccan Medical Aid for Gaza Population, Vital Support for Health Emergencies (Doctors)

Rabat – Moroccan doctors from various specialties have stressed the great usefulness of the medical aid sent to Gaza population on the Very High Instructions of HM King Mohammed VI, believing that it is vital support for the health emergencies management and the care for people with extreme injuries.

The deployment of this humanitarian medical aid operation for the Palestinian population will help thousands of people in the Gaza Strip who are suffering from the blockade, the practitioners stressed in statements to MAP.

The deployment of this humanitarian medical aid operation for the Palestinian population will help thousands of people in the Gaza Strip who are suffering from the blockade, the practitioners stressed in statements to MAP.

Dr. Ali Kettani, Professor of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine and Head of the Intensive Care Department at Rabat’s Moulay Youssef Hospital, said that “this aid includes substantial quantities of medicines and medical equipment designed to treat the main emergenc
ies, particularly traumatic ones, and includes medical products for both adults and children.’

“This gesture is of the utmost importance when we consider the particularities of war and disaster medicine. Indeed, the breakdown of all supply chains and the difficulty of access to disaster zones make it extremely difficult to help the wounded, despite the skill and dedication of the teams on the ground,’ he pointed out.

He said that the Kingdom, which had already succeeded in delivering a substantial amount of humanitarian aid by land to Gaza population during the month of Ramadan, “is playing a leading role in guaranteeing the delivery of these medical products to the wounded, who are in dire need of them, and is thus helping to alleviate the suffering of the victims.’

For his part, emergency doctor Anas Benslama noted that the medical aid, ordered by HM King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, for the Palestinian population of Gaza, is a “gesture of generosity” that will help relieve the sufferi
ng of thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The aim of this humanitarian operation is to enable Palestinian hospitals to care for the wounded, offer appropriate care and carry out surgical and traumatological interventions in better conditions, he explained.

Traumatologist Othmane Kettani pointed out that Morocco’s medical aid includes trauma equipment to help treat people with serious injuries and perform bone surgeries, underlining the great usefulness of this initiative, which provides vital support in emergency health situations.

According to him, these medical supplies come at the right time to alleviate the suffering of Gaza population, which is plagued by a shortage of medicines and a lack of doctors, and thus contribute to saving lives and improving the functioning of Gaza’s hospitals, overwhelmed by a high number of wounded.

His Majesty King Mohammed VI has given His Very High Instructions to deploy a humanitarian medical aid operation for the Palestinian population of Gaza, consisting of
40 tons of medical products containing, in particular, equipment for treating burns and surgical and traumatological emergencies, as well as essential medicines.

Source:Agence Marocaine De Presse