UN official: The majority of Gaza’s population suffers from food insecurity

Gaza – Together – I know the UN Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process expressed his deep concern about the danger of escalation, especially between Israel and Hezbollah.

He said that the majority of the population of the Gaza Strip suffers from food insecurity.

He stressed that Israel’s use of explosive weapons in densely populated areas in the Gaza Strip is horrific.

He continued, “About half a million people in Gaza suffer from food insecurity.”

He added: “All crossings in Gaza must be opened and humanitarian aid access must be guaranteed.”

He said, “We demand an end to the expansion of settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.”

Source: Maan News Agency

13 Israeli soldiers were injured during the past 24 hours

Bethlehem – Ma’an – The Israeli occupation army spokesman announced that 13 soldiers, including 7, were injured in the battles in the Gaza Strip during the past 24 hours.

The resistance in Gaza announced the implementation of a series of operations in Rafah and the Netzarim axis, including targeting vehicles and bombing military sites with mortar shells.

Source: Maan News Agency

International report: 96% in Gaza face food insecurity

Gaza – Together – An international report monitoring global hunger revealed that about 96% of Gaza’s population faces high levels of acute food insecurity.

The report indicated that the risk of famine still exists throughout the Gaza Strip.

He stated that the recent path of providing relief aid in Gaza is negative and largely unstable.

Source: Maan News Agency

3 new massacres resulted in 32 martyrs within 24 hours

Gaza – Together – The Ministry of Health in Gaza said that the occupation committed 3 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 32 martyrs and 139 injuries during the past 24 hours.

The Ministry of Health indicated that the toll of the Israeli aggression had risen to 37,658 martyrs and 82,237 injuries since the seventh of last October.

The Ministry of Health pointed out that there are still a number of victims under the rubble and on the roads, and ambulance and civil defense crews cannot reach them.

Israeli aircraft continued their bombing of various areas of the Gaza Strip on the 263rd day of the war, leaving large numbers of martyrs and wounded.

Source: Maan News Agency

Abu Marzouk: Hamas will release the Russian prisoners upon reaching a truce agreement

Gaza – Ma’an – Deputy Head of Hamas’s political bureau abroad, Musa Abu Marzouk, said that the movement will release the two citizens who hold Russian citizenship as soon as a truce and ceasefire agreement is reached.

Abu Marzouk stated that the issue of the Israeli-Russian detainees was raised with the Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the Middle East and African Countries, Mikhail Bogdanov, indicating: We told him that when Israel accepts the ceasefire decision and the exchange of prisoners, they will be a priority, in honor of our friendship with the Russian Federation.

He pointed out that Hamas had previously released an Israeli-Russian citizen outside the framework of the deal, out of respect for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia’s good positions towards the Palestinian people.

He said, “There are no Russian detainees held by the Hamas movement. All of the detainees are Israelis, and most of them hold different nationalities, including some who hold Americ
an, Mexican, Ukrainian, Russian, and other nationalities.”

He explained that the Hamas movement is still awaiting Israel’s approval of the proposal that is consistent with the UN Security Council resolution and the decisions of the International Court of Justice, which Israel has rejected until now.

Source: Maan News Agency

Signing of the collection ‘Soul Companion’ by poet Afnan Golani in Jerusalem

Jerusalem – Together – Novelist and poet Afnan Golani signed her poetry collection ‘Soul Companion’ today, during a cultural meeting held in the city of Jerusalem sponsored by the Jerusalem Cultural Salon, and in the presence of a number of writers, poets, and those interested in culture and literature.

The head of the Cultural Salon, Dr. Sanaa Attari, the evening’s guest, pointing out that the Jerusalem Cultural Salon seeks to preserve the national and cultural identity in Jerusalem, and despite the circumstances in which our Palestinian people live, the Jerusalemite is trying to win through the word, poem, and national poetry.

She added that the poet Julani enriches the Jerusalem cultural scene with various novels and poems that deal with various social and life aspects, and this meeting comes as a culmination of her literary work and her enrichment of the cultural and literary scene in Jerusalem through her various literary works.

In turn, Julani expressed her happiness at signing her collection ‘Soul C
ompanion’ in her hometown of Jerusalem, presenting an overview of the collection, which includes 48 poems in poetic and prose form. The story of ‘Soul Companion’ deals with every person we love.

She said that her collection calls for contemplation and review and is considered a window to beauty, love and hope. It is not just a collection of poems, but rather a journey into the inner worlds of man, exploring the depths of the human soul, and expressing its concerns, dreams and aspirations, noting that the poems carry within them sublime national and humanitarian meanings. She touches hearts with her sincere and expressive words.

During the meeting, Julani revealed that she is preparing a new novel that embodies the suffering of the Palestinian people, stressing that she will continue to write and express her community’s issues through literature.

The audience praised Golani’s creativity and her contribution to enriching the Palestinian cultural scene, and journalist Munir Al-Ghoul emphasized the writer’s ab
ility to register her presence in the Jerusalem cultural scene through her literary and poetic writings, and that the meeting is a true testimony to the vitality of Jerusalem culture.

The writer Julani is a poet and novelist from the city of Jerusalem, a member of the Union of Arab Writers, Authors and Poets, and a member of the Union of Arab Writers and Artists in the Arab World. She contributes to enriching the cultural and literary scene in the city, and seeks to highlight the Jerusalemite cultural voice in the Arab world through her Arab and international participation.

It is noteworthy that the collection ‘Soul Companion’ is the second publication by writer Afnan Golani and was published by Dar Al-Shamil Publishing and Distribution, after her first novel ‘It Was Mine.’ The collection was recently launched within the activities of the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair.

Source: Maan News Agency