King inaugurates new Amman Customs Centre

His Majesty King Abdullah II on Sunday inaugurated the new Amman Customs Centre in Al Madouneh area, which will help facilitate procedures and reduce the duration of goods clearance, leading to cost reduction in imports and exports.

According to a royal court statement, His Majesty toured the facilities and buildings of the project, which was constructed on an area exceeding 1,300 dunums, and includes specialised buildings equipped with the latest customs systems.

The King was briefed by Finance Minister Mohamad Al Ississ on the project’s advantages and its strategic importance in promoting commercial and investment activity.

Minister Ississ noted the centre’s importance in improving the quality of customs services in line with international standards, which will lead to improving Jordan’s performance on relevant global indicators.

Jordan Customs Department Director Maj. Gen. Jalal Al Qudah also gave a briefing on the new centre, established in partnership with the private sector, noting that it includes
a solar power station with a capacity of 3,000 kilowatts, and can accommodate about 900 trucks, which can be expanded to accommodate an additional 256 trucks.

Amman Customs Centre Director Brig. Gen. Reema Al Nimer added that the automation of customs services at the centre within the national trade window project will streamline procedures and reflect positively on attracting investments.

Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh and Royal Hashemite Court Chief Yousef Issawi attended the inauguration.

Source:Jordan News Agency

Agriculture min. reveals updates on ‘100 Million Trees’ initiative

The Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation revealed in a statement Sunday updates on its contribution to the presidential initiative “100 Million Trees,” as it has supplied 3.1 million trees until present.

The ministry’s participation is carried out over two phases. The first phase consisting of seven governorates – that are Qalyoubiyah, Gharbia, Beni Suef, Menya, Fayoum, Asyut and New Valley – is over as 1.3 million trees were planted. As for the second, comprising six governorates that are Cairo, Menoufeya, South Sinai, Port Said, New Valley and Red Sea, 995,000 trees have been supplied until present. In addition, 800,000 had been cultivated in forests.

The Ministry of Local Development revealed in a statement in April 2023 that 7.2 million trees out of 7.7 million trees targeted for FY2022/2023 had been planted within the presidential initiative “100 Million Trees” and that is planned to be completed over seven years.

The ministry noted that it is contributing to the initiative by cultivating 80 m
illion trees, while the rest will be grown by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Housing. The 100 million trees will be cultivated across 9,900 locations on a total area of 6,600 feddans, dispersed nationwide, constituting forests and parks that are irrigated by treated wastewater.

The statement revealed the species of trees cultivated, and those are camphor, casuarina, conocarps, orange, guava, olive, bologna, white poplar, mahogany, lemon, and pomegranate among others.

Source: State Information Service Egypt

TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2024

9:30. At the invitation of the Real Estate Syndicate in Lebanon, Prime Minister Najib Mikati sponsors the opening of the ‘Second Lebanese Real Estate Forum’ at the Phoenicia Hotel – Beirut

Source:National News Agency – Lebanon


Beirut airport-based meteorology department has expected that the weather tomorrow, Monday, will be partly cloudy to cloudy at times, with temperatures rising on the mountains and inland, without significant change on the coast, with the possibility of drizzle in the northern regions. Winds will be active at times, and dense fog will continue to form on the highlands, with poor visibility.

Coastal temperatures: 22 to 25 degrees Celsius

Mountainous temperatures: 20 to 28 degrees Celsius

Inland temperatures: 17 to 30 degrees Celsius

Surface winds: Southwesterly with speeds gusting between 10 and 30 km/hr

Visibility: Good along the coastline, average at high altitudes

Coastline humidity: 65% to 85%

Sea: High and rough waves, with surface water temperature at 28 degrees Celsius

Sunrise: 5:27

Sunset: 19:52

Source:National News Agency – Lebanon


The Islamic Resistance issued the following statement: “In response to the assassination carried out by the “Israeli” enemy in the town of Al-Khiara, the Islamic Resistance fighters launched an aerial operation on Sunday, June 23, 2024, using a swarm of assault drones on the command headquarters belonging to Unit 91 in Ayelet HaShahar (northeast of Safed) targeting the positions where their officers and soldiers were stationed, resulting in direct casualties, leaving them dead and wounded.”

Source:National News Agency – Lebanon

Petroleum minister follows up on gas consumption amidst hot weather

Minister of Petroleum and Mineral resources Tarek el-Molla held a plenary meeting Sunday at the National Energy Control Centre NECC at the Egyptian Natural Gas Company (GASCO).

According to a press release issued by the ministry, Molla followed up the conditions of gas consumption in given the hot weather wave the country is witnessing now.

According to the ministry’s press release, the participants reviewed various scenarios and means to deal with the hot weather conditions.

Source: State Information Service Egypt