Azerbaijani forces kill 4 Armenian soldiers in Nagorno-Karabakh

Azerbaijan forces killed four Armenian soldiers in the Nagorno-Karabakh region Wednesday, according to the authorities of the separatist region, which has been disputed for decades between the two parties. The separatist Ministry of Defence said in a statement carried by Euro News: “Units of the Azerbaijani armed forces fired at Armenian positions.. four soldiers were killed while performing their duties.” The announcement comes amidst a new round of negotiations hosted by Washington between the Armenians and Azerbaijanis to settle the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Source: Jordan News Agency

Kremlin: Russia has nothing to do with Wagner group’s activities in Africa

Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Wednesday Moscow “has nothing to do” with military activities of the Russian private military Wagner group in Africa. Peskov said during a press conference: “The company had an independent activity there in Africa, and the state has nothing to do with this work.” Peskov added: “President Vladimir Putin spoke yesterday about very large sums allocated through the Ministry of Defence, and mentioned these numbers, but the company was carrying out its own business, which has nothing to do with the state.”

Source: Jordan News Agency

Jordan condemns burning a copy of Quran in Sweden

Jordan condemned Wednesday the burning of a copy of the Holy Quran by extremists in the Swedish capital and considered it “incitement and racism.” The Foreign Ministry said burning the Holy Qur’an is an act of “dangerous hate and a manifestation of Islamophobia” that incites violence. The Ministry’s statement notes that burning the Quran “cannot” be considered a form of freedom of expression, adding there is a “need to stop irresponsible behavior and actions.” The Ministry said hate speech and action must be countered and there must be promotion for a culture of peace and acceptance.

Source: Jordan News Agency

King departs on private visit, to attend Sun Valley forum

His Majesty King Abdullah on Wednesday departed on a private visit, which will also include participation in the economic forum held in the US city of Sun Valley. At the annual forum, held in the state of Idaho, King Abdullah will hold meetings with international political and economic leaders, as well as top executives of major US and international companies, according to a royal court statement. His Royal Highness Prince Feisal bin Al Hussein was sworn in as Regent, in the presence of Cabinet members.

Source: Jordan News Agency

Death Toll From Building Collapse In Egypt’s Alexandria Rose To Four

The death toll from the collapse of a 13-storey building, in Egypt’s northern coastal city of Alexandria, rose to four, the state-run Ahram Online news website, reported yesterday.

Rescue teams recovered two more bodies yesterday, after finding two other bodies late on Monday, from under the debris of the building that collapsed on Monday, said the report.

Four others, injured in the collapse, had left hospitals, after receiving medical treatment, it added.

The building, which usually houses holidaymakers in summer, had been split vertically, thus triggering the collapse, Mohamed Taher, the governor of Alexandria, told the state-run Nile TV.

The owner and contractor of the collapsed building have been charged with accidental killing and injury, as well as, construction without permits, which many believed caused the collapse.

Source: Nam News Network (NNN)

Palestine appalled by decision of UN chief to omit Israeli occupation’s army from list of children rights’ violators

The State of Palestine is appalled by the decision of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to, once again, omit the Israeli occupation army and settler militias from the list of children’s rights violators, despite the fact that his reports detail the overwhelming evidence about Israel’s systemic violations of the rights of Palestinian children, today said the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates. ‘Israel is a serial violator of Palestinian children’s rights. The evidence is clear and unequivocal. Israel, its occupying forces, and settler militias have killed and injured over 7000 Palestinian children over the past eight years alone, with full impunity. The occupying Power deliberately targets children and deprives them of their right to life. It detains and tortures children as young as 12 years old and deprives them of their basic rights to counsel and family visits. All these crimes and more are thoroughly documented by relevant United Nations bodies and Special Procedures. That is why they are included in the Secretary General’s reports every year,’ it said. ‘By his omission, the Secretary-General will embolden Israel to continue its unilateral and ludicrous denial of the applicability of international law, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child, to Palestinian children, thus excusing its clear and well-defined legal obligations in this regard. This deliberate failure has alarming implications for impunity worldwide. It is inexcusable,’ added the Foreign Ministry. ‘Like all criminal actors, Israel attempts to offer lopsided interpretations of international law and conducts disinformation campaigns to justify its violations and crimes against Palestinian children. Such morally, legally, and politically corrupt tactics should not have been entrained. ‘Instead, Israel and all violators of children’s rights must be held accountable for their violations. Willfully exempting Israel from facing consequences for its well-documented crimes is inconsistent with international law and resolutions that form the basis for the protection of children in armed conflict and accountability for violators. The protection of children in armed conflict is the Secretary-General’s foremost moral, legal and political obligation. Palestinian children cannot be the exception. That is unacceptable,’ the Foreign Ministry concluded its statement.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA